The Shepherd Calls


The Kingdom of God
Most theologians agree Jesus spoke more about the Kingdom of God than any other topic. The Jews of Jesus day were also interested in the Kingdom of God. One would think that would make a ready-made audience for Jesus. The problem was Jesus and the Jews had decidedly different opinions about what the kingdom should be like.
The Jews insisted it would be an earthly kingdom, and they would be the rulers of the world. This concept harked back to the time of Kings David and Solomon when Israel was considered the world’s greatest kingdom. Since the days of Solomon, however, they had been captives of the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Persians, and at that time the Romans. Israel insisted the foreign occupation was temporary. Any day God would crash into history and restore the Kingdom to them. After all, they were God’s people.
In contrast, Jesus taught the kingdom as a spiritual matter. He prayed “Father, Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” In other words, may all the people of the earth know and follow the Father. He told the Pharisees the Kingdom is not something you see; it is the rule of God in your heart. “God does not come with your careful observation. You cannot say here it is or there it is. The kingdom is within you.” (Luke 17:20-21) In other words, God rules His Kingdom through the hearts of humankind.
It is a difficult concept. Why doesn’t God step in and make everyone do right? Wouldn’t it be better if humanity could see God on a throne surrounded by an army of angels? No, that is not how God works. The Kingdom of God is within you.
Think about it. If we let God reign in our heart, we receive an early taste of Heaven.