Have I Got A Line For You!


Ran across an article on “Death With Dignity.” Used to be called “Right To Die.” New York is the latest state working to turn it into law. In Canada, any doctor not agreeing with their assisted suicide law on moral or religious grounds, must refer the patient to a doctor who does or lose their hospital privileges. Each state in the U.S. that’s passed a suicide law says there will be no “forcing” a doctor to perform it. So there ya go. And President Biden said he wants our healthcare system to be just like the one in Canada.
In Colorado the Air Force Academy has instructed cadets to stop using gender language including mom, dad, boyfriend and girlfriend. We’re all just people. How about ditching this nonsense and treating everyone with respect? I wonder if they will start using more inclusive bullets and bombs. Wouldn’t want to upset anyone on the receiving end. What will happen to cadets that have those heart tattoos with the word “Mom” in the middle? Will they be asked to scrub that and use a less offensive term? We’re going to need bigger hearts, because “Person who gave birth to me” won’t fit in the “Mom” one. No wonder they’re having trouble recruiting. What crazed Orwellian times we live in.
This just popped in my mind. How long since you’ve heard someone say, “Okay get this and get it straight!” It was what my Dad sometimes said when I’d flubbed up on something. Like putting in a story I wrote while in high school. I took it over the phone and wrote the baseball team won by so many points. “It’s not points, damn it! Its runs,” he said when he looked at the paper. Don’t ever take a sports story over the phone again.” I was happy to oblige.
It’s hard to believe what is happening in this country with so many people just accepting it. The America we know and love is being deftly changed, bit by bit. Doesn’t anybody care? Meanwhile, September is getting ready to skedaddle. Take care of yourself.
Til Next Week: