Have I Got A Line For You!


President Biden’s economic advisor says we’re going to have to suffer high gas prices to protect the liberal word order. UBELIEVABLE! And there you have it. Americans should suffer so globalist can push their agenda. President Biden calls it the “Great Transition.” Can we get more details on what this entails? I know its high Agas prices, high inflation and high crime. It also includes re-writing history or erasing history and lots of new pronouns. Suck it up for the good of the liberal word order is really code for America last. What happens if we don’t want to be a part of this mess? Will they lock us up in camps? So much for a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Good Lord, can we even vote our way out of this mess?
There is other spooky news. Prince Charles is being questioned after taking bags of cash from Sheikh Hamad bin Jassimbin Jaber Al Thani. He’s the former Prime Minister of Qatar. It was supposedly handed over for the Prince’s charities. Probably the only time he’s carried his own bag. The term money laundering comes to mind. Bet Quid Pro Joe Biden is wondering when the Big Guy will see his 10%. Maybe Kornpop is holding it for him. I wonder if enough royalists will change their minds so the U.K. gets a President as head of state instead of someone who’s there by an accident of birth? Queen Elizabeth would have made quite a good president. What a great future for Britain though. The future King Cash and the Queen Custodian.
This just popped into my head. I remember being at Glastonbury Abbey in England. All that’s left of this once thriving center of Christianity are ruins, except the ancient kitchen. King Henry VIII saw to that. The abbey was home to priceless ancient manuscripts, most destroyed by royal order. The legendary King Arthur and Guinevere are said to be buried on the Abbey grounds. Their graves are marked and many say the site is accurate. Who knows, but most legends do have a grain of truth to them. At any rate, I did enjoy seeing this area of England, staying at Summerton, a town that dates back to the 8th century. It’s incredible to think about how many feet have walked in their market square.
Have a dandy day wherever your feet land. Take care of yourself old buddy.
Til Next Week:
P.S. I don’t want to let another day go by without thanking Rick and Lisa for their hospitality at Truman State Park Marina. It’s a good place to be while you wait for the engine temperature to drop!