Have I Got A Line For You!


Down in El Paso the Mayor declared a “State of Emergency” over a surge of illegal immigrants crossing the border. 16,000 in the last two days. It’s supposed to get worse if Title 42 is lifted. Good Lord, do we even have a southern border? Where will these folks live? Who will feed them? Who will hire them? Who will pay for this? It’s inhumane to let them in with nowhere to go but the streets. The term lawlessness comes to mind. Our system isn’t broken, it’s not enforced. I’m sure President Biden would get right on this, but he’s too busy taking a victory lap over 7.1% inflation. In the meantime, seems like neither party wants to fix the issue. That would stop the vote and cash flow.
Sam Bankman-Fried has been all over the news after swindling billions from investors in his crypto coin scheme. He was arrested the day before he was set to testify before Congress. Sam donated millions to the Democrat Party and some Republicans. I wonder how many of them had money in his company, FTX? Oh what a tangled web we weave. Some of our politicians said they couldn’t understand why this happened. OKAY….well everyone knows why. It’s about as clear cut as it gets. Now that he’s officially in custody I bet he’ll never testify. The usual guards will be replaced with random temporary guards, random guards will fall asleep, cameras will mysteriously turn off and they’ll find him slumped over a prison neck tie. We’re becoming more like Venezuela by the day
“Are you ready for Christmas?” This time of year that question is asked as often as “Sure is hot, isn’t it? is during July. Don’t mind the question, actually, but no, I’m not ready for Christmas. I remember one year when my Dad gave every household in the family weather radios and another big packages of wonderful sirloin steaks. I never knew what his presents were going to be and I don’t know what my presents for others are going to be. This is the time to stop and think about this Task Which Must Be Done!
Counting what’s left of Tuesday there are 5 more days to do your Christmas shopping. Take heed! Don’t say you weren’t warned that the hours are slithering and sliding away. Listen, take care old buddy and have a Merry Christmas.
Til Next Week:

P.S. I can’t let another week go by without saying THANK YOU to Cynthia Bolinger for the delicious cookies she left for the office. They’ve become an annual tradition and something to look forward to each December. And thanks to Jane “Phronsie” Salley for the Christmas candy she brought by. Very thoughtful and very good!