Drake's Launches Hope Project


Do you have Hope in your heart? Do you believe in and share in the words, “With God all things are possible”, “Behold I make all things new”, “I am the mighty rock”?
We at Drake’s were so blessed to hear the stories and see how God has worked through the remarkable women from Hope Project. This was our Sunday message. Their faces and sweet spirits were so welcomed and we leaned in to hear of their heartaches and victories. Brave women who have chosen hard work, discipline, and all it takes to find themselves by the way of our Lord and Savior.
Amanda Roe is the founder and Director of Hope Project, Clinton’s community faith-based recovery program for women. She has lived the very things and challenges that the women of Hope Project face today. She knows how hard life is with addictions and terrible life situations. But more than all these things she knows of the hope, love and grace we are given through Jesus Christ.
The ladies and children of Hope Project gave us their own cardboard testimonies on Sunday. These were powerful proclamations of their struggles they have encountered in their lives and their amazing triumphs through Jesus Christ.
There was hardly a dry eye in our congregation. Our minds were educated, our eyes opened, and our hearts filled with compassion for these women and their children. Hopefully our experience will teach us that everyone has a story we know nothing about. We all need to look with the eyes of Jesus. Hope Project continues to be one of our outreach missions. We are blessed to be able to support this program that continues to find ways to bless those who are the lost, struggling, and looking for a hand up. Jesus is ever present in Amanda Roe and her ladies and children of Hope Project.