Church News


Calhoun Community Church
Welcome to the Good News from Calhoun Community Church, our church family gathers at 9:30 a.m. for pre- church food and fellowship. We use this special time for visiting one with another, welcoming Guests as they arrive for Worship, and signing cards of encouragement for our card ministry. Tucker McNeely rang the church bell this morning at 9:45 a.m.
We lift up family, neighbors, and friends in need of prayer, Amber and Patrick Dittmer and baby daughter, Johnny and Mary Antwiler, Ruth Sell, Carol Sell, Tammy George, Pam Fields, Eddie Roth and family, Rev. Jackson and Sondra Short, Patty Dump, Jean Dittmer, Millie Redding, and Dave Burson. We continue to pray for our military men and women and their families, as well as others in service jobs that we depend upon daily. We pray for guidance as we continue forward as a Community Church on the square in Calhoun, Mo.
Joys to celebrate: Savannah McNeely lit the altar candles this morning. We are pleased to have Rev. Jackson Short to serve our congregation; this morning we celebrated the second Sunday of Advent as Shirley Cardwell and great grand children lit the first two advent candles as we sang the first and second verses of the Advent song. We enjoyed the mild mid winter weather this morning as we came together to glorify the Lord. Happy Birthday was sung to Carolina Lane, Steve Siercks, Verna Walters, and Rev. Short. Special music today, by Ms. Verna “Mary Did You Know.” We thank Verna for sharing this beautiful song. We thank Tucker McNeely for taking the offering this morning. We were pleased to have Patty Dump join us for worship, she thanked the congregation for the cards and prayers as she continues to recover from surgery. Steve Siercks was thankful that he and his mother, Ms. Verna, were able to celebrate their birthdays together this week. We were pleased to have Kenny Mills, Monica Bramel! and daughter Hillary Clifton and four children as guests today. The Colwells were pleased to be invited by Sue Lesmeister for dinner last evening following an afternoon of crafting. Saturday afternoon a group got together and made Christmas trees by gluing discarded glassware together to form, one-of­a- kind trees. The children finished decorating our Christmas tree with decorations they had made and then had a great time making their own glass trees. We were pleased to have Patty Dump join the group. Our greatest joy is to have children enough to have Sunday School. There were seven this morning and a total of 23 for church. God is good all the time and blesses those who believe. Following church we celebrated with a Birthday Dinner honoring those with December birthdays; they are Sondra Short, Steve Siercks, Verna Walters, Jackson Short and Carol Lane. Chili and soup was served along with angel food cake and other desserts. A grand time was had by all.
Should you be looking for a new place to grow your faith come by for a visit, dress as you are comfortable, bring the youngsters and be prepared to receive a blessing for your effort. we are a Concerned and Praying Nondenominational Church, should you find yourself in need of prayer we encourage you to join us any Sunday morning. We will be blessed by your presence.

Drakes Chapel UMC
The coffee room was a buzz this morning as people gathered early for visiting, welcomed hot cup of coffee and much talk about the great time nearly 20 folks gather to put the finishing touching of decorating the church to celebrate the birthday of Jesus, after which we were enticed with the grand cookie walk.
Pastor Margie’s Scripture for this morning came from the Gospel of Mark 1:1-8, Her message was entitled “Going Deeper, and Deeper.” The scripture announces the coming of a messenger who was John the Baptist. John was a bit of a different person than in today’s world would not think as a messenger of God.
Advent is a time of great preparation. Some scholars tell us John ministry last only about three months. It was John that would build the path for the Messiah. The Baptizer stepped aside and allowed Christ to begin the path for Jesus to prepare for His Kingdom.
If we want to be a part of the Advent season, we have to turn to John model and make straight the way for the return of our Lord.
The 2nd Advent wreath was lit by Marion Pilant during Advent reading of the congregation. Marion also sang a special, “This is Not my Home No More”.
We must evangelize which literally mean to spread the Good New of Jesus Christ. If we want in on the Good News of Jesus Christ this season we must go deeper and deeper in our personal walk with Jesus and share with others.
Our holiday dinner will be January 7th right after church. It will be a time to take a breath after all the other holiday gatherings. It will be a time we can embrace the New Year with our church family and thank God for our blessings of the past and prepare us to find a way to stand ready to be a blessing to others.
We will combine our normal Sunday worship and our Christmas Eve service at our regular worship time, (9:00 a.m.). We will still have communion, special family prayers, and lite candles and sing Silent night.
We hope you will join us for worship any Sunday whether in person or on Facebook live, just look for Margie Briggs. Our worship begins at 9:00. We are located 5 miles east of Clinton off highway 52 just look for the sign. We stand ready to greet you with the powerful love Jesus.

First Baptist
On Sunday, Pastor Pat Findley delivered the second message of his Christmas sermon series, ‘SENT: Lottie Moon’. The International Missions Board’s (IMB) Christmas Offering is named after Lottie Moon because of her passion for the Great Commission. Philippians 2:6-7 reminds us that Jesus chose to take the form of a servant. He is in very nature God, with a self-sacrificing heart. Charlotte “Lottie” Moon, although a questionable believer early in life, never looked back after making a profession of faith and dedicated her life to serving God. At age 12, her father passed away, but she excelled in her own education, achieving a master’s degree at a time when very few women accomplished such an achievement. She then spent some time teaching, in addition to tutoring her younger sister, ‘Eddie’. Lottie and Eddie both had hearts for missions, and Lottie eventually joined her younger sister in China, dedicating her life to sharing the good news of Jesus. During that time, she wrote several letters, encouraging Christians to join the Great Commission and emphasizing the need for sharing the gospel to the vast number of lost people in China. Her passion for sharing the gift of Jesus has since raised over $5 billion to support missions internationally. Christmas is a time to remember how Jesus came to serve, and each of us are also called to go and to share the good news. We should do whatever it takes to serve people into a growing relationship with Jesus. We are all born sinners, separated from God, but Jesus was sent to save! The gift of Jesus is available to everyone to receive!
Celebrate Recovery is on Tuesday evenings at 5:30 pm at the Vansant location for anyone with hurts, habits, or hangups. Worship service times are 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and Sunday School is offered at 8:15 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Youth and Children’s Ministries also align with these times. On Thursdays at 6 pm, GriefShare provides help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend. For more information and upcoming events, please visit or find us on Facebook at ‘First Baptist Church – Clinton, MO’.
We invite those without a church home to join us in worship of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. First Baptist Church exists to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) by loving people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

First Presbyterian
On the second Sunday of Advent we focus on peace. In our world of darkness and fear, we need to remember our patient and peaceful God. He will help us be people who look at dissension and confusion and choose ways to live in harmony. He is the Prince of Peace.
Rev. Nancy Gillard continued the “Looking Up for Christmas” series with a message titled Who Invited John the Baptist for the Holidays? She chose Luke 3: 7 – 18 as the scripture passage. To our delight, the hand chimes choir played two selections; “Ukrainian Bell Carol” and “Still, Still, Still”. Next Sunday the choir will present their Christmas Cantata.
Our beautifully decorated sanctuary is awaiting the finishing touch of poinsettias which are added in memory or honor of loved ones. If you wish to donate monetarily toward the purchase of a poinsettia please contact the church office or a flower committee member.
A service of wholeness and healing with the theme of Blue Christmas will be held here on Tuesday, December 19 at 7:00 pm. We welcome all who would wish to attend.
On Christmas Eve Eve, December 23, we will host our annual Chili/Soup Supper at 5:30 pm followed by worship at 7:00 pm. A sign up sheet is on the bulletin board for food and help. We invite you to come and be a part of our fellowship. Mark your calendars.
The Advent Event Waiting Here for You by Louie Giglio continues on Wednesday evenings from 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm. This bible study will lead us through the season of Advent.
A community choir is being formed led by Mark and Gay Smith. Practices will be held at First Presbyterian Church beginning February 1, 2024. If interested please visit website All in the community are invited to participate.
Tai Chi classes continue to meet here each Monday and Wednesday at 10:00 am. If you’re looking for something to help strengthen your core and improve balance then Tai Chi is the right fit.
Are you looking for a church home? We would like you to join our friendly congregation. If unable to attend in person, services are available online at our website:

Mt. Calvary Apostolic Pentecostal
“Don’t Be Afraid When God Calls You”
Isaiah 66:4.
When God calls us he is looking for the humble spirit who knows his word is precious.
It says in Isa 66:3 He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man; he that sacrificeth a lamb, as ifhe cut off a dog’s neck; he that offereth an oblation, as if he offered swine’s blood; he that burneth incense, as if he blessed an idol. Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations.
These people were doing things their way rather than God’s way. They did not do what God called them to do. When God is involved, we must move ourselves out of the way.
A Delusion is the state of being deluded. a false belief or opinion ( 2023)
We have many people today who are deluded. God can call you to do something at any time. When he calls on you. do it.
Acts 18:4.
Paul was called to be an apostle for the Gentiles. God will call us to speak with people even when we know they will not listen.
There is a reason for this. It says in Revelation 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
When we stand before God on judgment day the books will be opened. No one will have an excuse for not hearing the word.
It will be written in the books that we were told, we were preached to, though some of us will not listen.
1Pe 5:2-3.
We are to feed God’s flock and live above what we preach. Be that example.
2Pe 1:3-10.
If we do as it says in 2Peter 1:3-10 we will have the fruit of the spirit that Galatians 5 describes. God Bless.

Urich Baptist
The spirit of Christ in Christmas was in the air as we worshiped the Lord. Clint Keeney rang the church bell. Mrs. Julia Klinefelter led in the congregational singing with Mrs. Dixie Collins playing piano. We rejoiced with Mrs. Suzanne Smith and Roger Gibson on their birthdays. Randy Vogt and Clint Keeney collected the offering.
The scripture passage from interim Pastor Steve Sowell’s sermon was from the Old Testament Isaiah 40:1-11 which fortells hundred of years later that John the Baptist will prepare the way for the promised Messiah. Then in the New Testament in Mark 1:1-8 fulfills the promise that John the Baptist will prepare the way for Jesus-the Messiah. John the Baptist said he baptizes with water, but Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit. When we focus on the truth of God it will show through our kindness, patience, gentleness, and give us everlasting peace. God Bless!

Valley Center United
Do you see what I hear? Do you hear what I hear? Pray for peace everywhere.
We send our prayers of love and healing to some very dear church members. We continue our prayers of peace and hope for the people of the Ukraine and in the middle east.
The Ladies Aid enjoyed fellowship, fun and delicious food for their Christmas party on Sunday. Together they have completed many projects within our church and community this year. They are an amazing and faithful group of Christian women!
Laurie Stinnett and Karen Lasswell lit the Advent candles of hope and peace.
During this Advent season, it is important to ask questions spiritually and try to understand why we are here and what is our purpose? We may ask ourselves, who are we that God cares about us? We should constantly be curious about God. It all comes alive when we ask questions and listen and hear the gospel stories. We are reminded that we are created in God’s image.
Even Mary had questions. She wondered why God would want a young girl like her to be involved in this miraculous holy birth? The Magi also had questions as they searched for this child who was to become King.
As people of faith, we have a lot of things to do. It is a time for giving and a time to come together to sow. This is a time for war and a time for peace. It is a time to keep silent and listen as the Angels proclamation of exceedingly great joy of the birth of our Savior. It is a time of reassurance and peace.
During this season of questions and answers, we take our own journey to Bethlehem and see that little baby that was born to save us all.