Church News


Calhoun UMC
Welcome to the Good News from Calhoun Community Church (formerly Calhoun UMC) our church family gathers at 9:30 a.m. for pre-church food and fellowship. We use this special time for visiting one with another, welcoming Guests as they arrive for Worship, and signing cards of encouragement for our card ministry. We ring the church bell at 9:45 to proclaim that all God’s children are welcome to join us for worship at 10:00 a.m.
We lift up friends, neighbors, and relatives in need of prayer: Rev. Jackson Short and wife Sondra, Patty Dump, Jean Dittmer, and Millie Redding. We continue to pray for our military men and women and their families, as well as others in service jobs that we depend upon daily. Special Prayers today for the situation between Palestine and Israel. We pray for guidance as we continue forward as Calhoun Community Church on the square in Calhoun, Mo.
Joys to celebrate: Today was another beautiful Sunday morning in the life of the congregation of Calhoun Community Church. In the three months since our church split we have doubled our attendance. Ms. Verna sang “God of the Mountain” for Special Music this morning. Several from here attended the first Friday Sing at Soul’s Harbor Church with Shelby Bicknell and Tom Colwell bringing special music numbers. A wonderful time was had by all in attendance. We are looking forward to our special Movie Night on the Square Oct. 21st at 6:30 p.m. Check face book for details. Special guest today was Tawnya and Wes Conner’s granddaughter Kynslee. Don’t forget Harvesters Food Drop Friday Oct. 13th at regular time. Volunteers to help pass out the food are always needed and appreciated. You will receive a blessing for your effort helping with this project.
Should you be looking for a new place to grow your faith come by for a visit. Coffee and a snack at 9:30 in the Welcome Room with Worship at 10:00; come dressed as you are comfortable, bring the youngsters and be prepared to receive a blessing for your effort. We are a Concerned and Praying Nondenominational Church, should you find yourself in need of prayer we encourage you to join us any Sunday morning. We will be blessed by your presents.

First Baptist
On Sunday, Pastor Pat Findley delivered the 4th message of his fall sermon series, ‘Weakness is Greater than Strength’, titled “When Faith Goes Public”. Pastor Pat explained how there cannot be a secret Christian. It should be obvious for those around us to know that we believe Jesus is Lord. Pastor Pat continued speaking on the story of Gideon from Judges 6:25-32, when God called him to tear down his father’s alter to false idols and to replace it with an offering to the Lord. Not only is idolatry worshiping false gods, but it is anytime we love anything or anyone more than our one true God. We are called to worship both privately and publicly. We may be fearful to do what He calls us to do, but we must have courage, allowing our obedience to overpower our fear. We live in a world that is in rebellion against God, which leads to persecution for Christians. Still, God calls us to go boldly and courageous, declaring the good news. Any momentary suffering will be worth the eternal life He promises! We should be encouraged to push false worship aside and to keep Jesus in the center of our lives. Live boldly and courageously and in a way that others may see the Holy Spirit inside you!
Worship service times are 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and Sunday School is offered at 8:15 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Youth and Children’s Ministries also align with these times. Celebrate Recovery is on Tuesday evenings, beginning at 5:30 p.m., for anyone with hurts, habits and hangups. On Thursdays at 6 pm, GriefShare provides help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend. For more information and upcoming events, please visit or find us on Facebook at ‘First Baptist Church – Clinton, MO’.
We invite those without a church home to join us in worship of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. First Baptist Church exists to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) by loving people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

First Presbyterian
In a world filled with so much bad news, it is refreshing to know that good news comes from God. He lifts us up from despair to hope. He forgives and fills us with his generous love and kindness. Let’s each do our part to bring this good news to others and show them the same kind of compassion our LORD shows us. “When the Saints Go Marching In” was the anthem played by our Handchimes choir Sunday morning. Using Matthew 13: 24 – 30 Rev. Nancy Gillard delivered the message Where Did These Weeds Come From? Rev Gillard is preaching through a fall sermon series titled ”Love and Faith”.
The Reading and Writing Pack supplies will be delivered to Tipton on October 14. Garden seeds, Best Choice labels, old eyeglasses and soft, beautiful blankets will go too. These are all pieces of the mission project sponsored by The Presbyterian Women. The ladies appreciate the generosity of each and every person who contributed to the success of this project.
The Presbyterian Women will meet in Fellowship Hall Friday, October 6. Their lesson is “The Exorcism in Gerasa”, the encounter of Jesus and the man possessed with demons. The ladies will participate in a group discussion. Gayle Dunahee is the hostess. All ladies of the church ore invited.
Interested in Tai Chi? Classes meet each Monday and Wednesday at 10:00 am. Tai Chi helps strengthen your core and improve balance. This week the class will meet in the park and take advantage of the beautiful fall weather.
Are you looking for a church home? We would love to have you. A friendly group of people will welcome you and make you feel at home. If unable to attend in person our broadcasts are also available online at our website: or Facebook First Presbyterian Clinton MO. Stay updated on the happenings at First Presbyterian by visiting our website. Our monthly newsletter, pictures and other interesting items about the church can be found there.

Mt. Calvary Apostolic Pentecostal
“Our Prayers Answered”
As people pray to God they feel their prayers should be answered one way. God answers prayers for people differently.
Luke 5:12-13.
We need to let people know that there is something they need to do for God to answer their prayers. There is a condition or agreement you need to have to receive answered prayer.
When reading the bible people should search the scripture to see how other people in the bible received answered prayers. what did they do for God to answer their prayers?
We should not get mad at God for not answering our prayers because Scripture tells us to obey his commandments to get our prayers answered.
The man in Luke 5:12-13 fell to his face in humility and asked Jesus if he would heal him. After he received healing a multitude of people came to be healed.
Whether a person gets healed or prayers answered depends on the person’s mindset. People should not criticize how many times someone comes to the altar for prayer.
Some come to the altar to impress others. Their heart is not sincere and they aren’t looking for prayer. Someone may choose to not receive prayer because they don’t necessarily want to be healed if they are on disability. They may not want to lose their source of income.
The man who was blind heard that Jesus was nearby and called out to him to restore his blindness.
Though the people around him tried to hush him He was persistent. Jesus healed him. (Luke 18:35-41)
Luk 18:42.
Do not let anyone hold you back from coming forward to receive prayer. Jesus knew what was wrong with this man. But he waited for the man to be in the right mindset to ask.
Are you in a position to have your prayers answered? Not everyone has the right spirit, mindset, or clean heart.
2Kings 5:1.
The maid told his wife that if God was with the prophet in Samaria, her husband would be healed. Naaman went to the king who was powerless to help. However, Elisha came and addressed the King.
2Ki 5:8.
When Naaman came to Elisha he was told to go and wash seven times in the Jordan River and he would be healed. Naaman expected to receive his healing differently.
2Ki 5:11.
God had to humble Naaman. In his high position, he felt it degrading for him to go and wash seven times in the Jordan. You never know what a person’s mindset is. His servants spoke to him so he would see reason.
2Ki 5:13-14.
If you want your prayers answered check yourself and find out what you need to do for your prayers to be answered. God Bless.

Mt. Zion UMC
Trinity, Rockville, and Mt. Zion United Methodist Churches had messages that are part of a new sermon series entitled The Struggles: How the Bible Guides Us through the Challenges of Life. This week’s message was Being Content. Specifically, we learned how all Christians are called remain content through the struggles of our modern, digital lifestyle. Everywhere throughout the West we are seeing increasing use of antidepressants, anxiety pills, and alarming rates of suicide. Why are we so unhappy? Scripture teaches us that we must not judge ourselves against other people. No matter how great their social media profile, career, and financial situation, this is not how we judge our success. Instead, we are called to be fulfilled through spiritual, not worldly, success. Our ultimate victory and satisfaction comes through our submission and service to Christ. For this world is fleeting and Christians quest for eternity. Allow God’s grace to fill each of us with living water and reject the idols of this world. In all things, remain content in the sure and certain hope of eternity spent with God through Christ our Lord. We hope that you will come and worship with us! See you soon!

Urich Baptist
Sunshine lifted our spirits as we gathered to worship the Lord. Clint Keeney rang the church bell. Mrs. Julia Klinefelter led in the congregational singing with Mrs. Dixie Collins playing piano. We rejoiced with Michael and Julia Klinefelter on their 30th wedding anniversary. Randy Vogt and Clint Keeney collected the offering.
We were blessed to have Mr. Jackson Irvin bringing the message today. The scripture passage from his sermon was from Colossians 1:24-29 thru Colossians 2:1-5. In this passage Christ reveals the ministry He wants for Paul and all Christians. Paul says the Gospel is for all people around the world. (Colossians 2:2 “My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ.”) Share some kindness and have a blessed week.

Valley Center United
We are an open and affirming church that welcomes all to come and worship with us each Sunday morning at 9 am.
We gathered today and everyday as the Body of Christ without hesitation. We are God’s people and have been washed in his blood, fully cleansed from sin, so that we may serve him.
We are saddened by the violent attacks on Israel and for what it means to the world. We pray for their country and the families that reside there. We continue to pray for the Ukraine as they fight for all democracy. We send prayers of love and peace to the Martin family after the passing of their mother, grandmother and sister, Bernice Neuenschwander Martin.
Next Sunday, October 14th, Valley Center will have their annual Oktoberfest dinner with serving from 3 pm - 8:00 pm. It promises to be a delicious evening! We hope to see you there!
Our services began with the beautiful hymn, “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee”.
We believe the glory of God is here with us right now! It is the true essence of God; his energy, love and hope. We feel it, claim it and we live it! As people of faith, we experience the presence of God when we work together. Our fellowship, service and our love of God generates to each other.
This feeling of wonderful joy and God’s love is just a portion of what we will feel after we take our last breath. It is a peace that passes all understanding. But we are not done until we reach that last moment.
Many times it is hard to overlook the sadness in the world. But instead of thinking that we are done and cannot deal with all of these problems, we need to look at the opportunities that can arise during these situations. We can address the poverty and hunger that so many face each day. Importantly we need to make sure our church doors are wide open to all who want to come in, especially for those who may not be welcomed elsewhere.
We are the church, we are God’s people and together we can face these issues, we cannot sit idle or silent. We pray that we might find encouragement as we encounter hard challenges and to find beauty and goodness in all things.