To the Editor,
During my campaign for Ward 1 City Council, so many voters commented how they had no idea how to get in touch with their council members or they never received a response regarding their issues. we as elected officials must be mindful of those concerns citizens are reporting, and remember if someone is concerned enough to report an issue it’s probably a concern of others in the neighborhood as well. 1 applaud those individuals who are willing to step up and contact the city or their elected city councilperson regarding issues they may have. Citizens want to see problems like weeds, trash, dilapidated structures and many other issues not only addressed, but resolved. I encourage citizens to not only attend our city council meetings but also attend committee meetings and get involved. I welcome voters of Ward 1 to contact me regarding your concerns and I will get in touch with you as soon as possible. I do ask that you provide your name, address, phone number and a brief description of your situation or concern. In keeping with my promise to address your issues, here is my email address where you can contact me:
Gary Mount
Clinton, MO
Councilperson Ward 1