Warsaw Awarded Another TAP Grant; Update On RAISE


The following information was submitted by Randy Pogue, City Administrator, City of Warsaw.
This article will address the north and south side of the Main Street Complete Street project. Additionally, an update on the near twenty-five million dollars RAISE project
North Side
The first phase of utility relocation is completed with the placement of the new water mains. The second and final phase of utility relocation will begin within the next two weeks. This phase will be underground burial of fiber optic owned by Brightspeed Internet. Brightspeed contractors will start placing their fiber underground and then removing the poles that the fiber is currently attached to. This project will mainly consist of underground boring and will have little disturbance above ground.
The roadway construction plans are nearing completion and will soon be submitted to the two funding sources for review.
It is the hope of the city to be able to advertise the project for contractor bids by the middle of 2024.
South Side
The City of Warsaw has received a $500,000 grant through the Transportation Assistance Program (TAP) with a $500,000 match. This will make the south side a total project of $1,000,000. In 2022 the city received a TAP for the North Side, and now with the 2024 TAP award, the project will expand the current north side design to the south.
The city is awaiting a contract from MoDOT to be presented to the Board of Alderman for approval. We have received approval to move forward with selection of engineers for the project. No schedule has yet been established by MoDOT, but most likely the south side project will not start until early 2025.
Project Design
The north and south side will start at Hackberry and end at the Highway 65 right-of-way. Both sides will have 5-foot sidewalks and bicycle lanes. To make this possible, stormwater pipes will be placed underground and with gutters diverting storm water into open inlets as completed previously in the downtown and Harrison Street improvements. Decorative lighting will be placed with the ability to place banners and Christmas lights. A center turn lane will be placed for improved vehicle access.
RAISE Project
Earlier this year, the City of Warsaw has started biweekly meetings with the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). The RAISE Complete Street project funds are exclusively for roadway improvements and nearly exact in design to the previously mentioned Main Street Complete Street project. Current discussion center around the contract with USDOT and how the city will procure the project for engineers and contractors.