Warsaw Airport Is Profitable, Administrator Says


At a time when success is not guaranteed to every for-profit business and perhaps even less so for a city-funded business, it is pleasant to hear comments such as those made by Warsaw City Administrator Randy Pogue, who spoke at the city's January 2 city council meeting. He compared figures of several area airports of similar or slightly larger size, noting that the Warsaw Municipal Airport generates a profit and its hanger space is fully booked. He noted that a capital improvement plan including a new five unit hangar is needed for the airport, and outlined a plan for the city to build hangar space and additional apron. Historically, availability of reasonably priced aviation gas has also played a part in this airport's profit picture.

The meeting opened at 6:00 PM, with aldermen Rob Coskey, Eric Flores, Lou Breshears and Adam Howe present. Aldermen Reba Slavens was absent. Mayor Eddie Simons presided; City Clerk Jessica Kendall recorded.

First actions taken by the group were to approve the eve's agenda and Deember 26 meeting minutes, then agree to pay bills presented. There was no old business.

Visitor Mac Vorce then outlined a March 30-31 plan to feature a mountain bike race event at Truman Lake Mountain Bike Park, beginning on that Saturday at noon to 6:00 PM and concluding Sunday with the race itself. He noted that it will be the earliest such race in Missouri this year.

Aldermen then approved an ordinance between the city and the MO Highways and Transportation Commission for Main Street improvements using the Transportation Assistance Program (TAP). Administrator Pogue noted that the project, costing $500,000, will be for the south side of Main Street. He noted that a part of Main Street improvement plans remains unfunded but he intended to apply for grant funds for that part.

Pogue also furnished a RAISE update, saying he was waiting for Washington D.C. to announce continued contracts before submitting a bid.

The meeting adjourned at about 6:55 PM. Guests are always welcome at the open meetings, usually held on 1st and 3rd Monday eves.