The Shepherd Calls


Cool Water
Jesus said, “whoever drinks of the water I give shall never thirst . . . the water I give shall be a well of water springing up to eternal life” (John 4:14).
If we limit our understanding of Jesus’ words to quenching our thirst, we miss much of the metaphor. Water does more than quench thirst.
Water cleanses. Even in the days before soap, water was used to cleanse the human body. Jesus’ words could surely include cleansing. From the beginning of creation, God has sought to cleanse humankind of sin. The Psalmist put it this way, “Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow . . .”
Water heals. There are many references in the Bible to the healing power of water. The Old Testament story of Naaman the Leper dipping himself seven times in the Jordan (II Kings 5:1ff). Jeremiah accused the people of forsaking the living waters of God (Jeremiah 2ff). Still, today as close as Arkansas, people journey to Hot Springs seeking the healing power of water.
Water calms. I sat in the sand on Waikiki Beach and watched the ocean quietly lap its way to shore. It gave me a wonderful peace. For my daughter’s sixteenth birthday, we put a swimming pool in the back yard. Early in the mornings, I would sit beside the pool and drink my coffee. The quiet stir of the pool and the trickle of a small koi pond nearby quieted my heart for the long day ahead.
Water is beautiful. Stare at a quiet ocean or a still lake, and soon its beauty will dance before your eyes. Contemplate Jesus’ words, and soon their beauty will dance in your heart. Few things are as beautiful to the thirsty as a drink of water.
I cannot say what all Jesus had in mind when He told the crowd, “Come and drink, and rivers of living water will flow through you” (John 7: 37 ff). These and other beautiful thoughts crossed my mind as I read Jesus’ words.
Allow me to use the jargon of the day and say of Jesus’ words, “That’s cool!” The Sons of the Pioneers had it right, “Cool Water.”