The Shepherd Calls


Taste and See
Early on the morning following the crucifixion of Jesus, some women went to His tomb to complete the preparation of His body for burial. On their way, they worried about the guards and the large stone that covered the entrance to the tomb.
How would they get in? To their utter surprise---when they arrived, the stone was already rolled away; and an angel was standing by the tomb. The angel informed them that Jesus had “risen. Look and see, then go tell His disciples.”
Trembling, the women hurriedly found the disciples and told them what they had seen and heard. Understandably, the disciples did not believe. (Luke 24:11-12) However, there must have been some small seed of belief or hope. They ran to the tomb to check it out. One can hardly imagine their confusion. What is going on here?
You may be like the disciples; you have heard the good news about Jesus, but you find it hard to believe. You are confused. Well, maybe you believe a little bit. After all, millions have believed since the resurrection. They couldn’t all be wrong, could they?
The psalmist has good advice for folk like you, “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the person who trusts in Him.” (Psalm 34:8)
My wife was talking to her doctor about food. She told him that I really like egg custard pie, and since it is made from eggs, I reasoned it to be breakfast food. The doctor laughed and confessed he liked egg custard pie also. Then he told her about a pie that he says is much better than egg custard.
I tell you that story to illustrate, no matter how good (or bad) your life may be---life with Jesus is better. Taste and see.