The Shepherd Calls


Secrets of the Dead
In his gospel, Luke records Jesus’ story about the rich man and Lazarus. The rich man enjoyed all the benefits of wealth---good food, nice clothes, and the confidence of having plenty. All the while a poor man, Lazarus, sat begging, starving at the rich man’s gate. His only comfort came when dogs licked his sores.
Lazarus died and was carried to heaven by angels. The rich man also died and was buried. In Hades, he was tormented. He looked up to heaven and saw Abraham with Lazarus beside him. The rich man asked Abraham to have Lazarus dip his finger in water and bring a drop to cool his tongue.
Abraham replied. “Remember, child, you received only good things during your life but Lazarus only evil. There is a chasm between you and us. We can’t come to you, and you can’t come to us.”
“Then,” pleaded the rich man, “send Lazsarus to the five brothers at my house lest they too end up in this torment.”
Abraham answered. “They have Moses and the prophets; let them listen to them.”
“No,” said the rich man, “they will not listen; but if someone came back from the dead, they would hear and believe.”
Abraham responded, “If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be convinced, even if someone should rise from the dead.” (Luke 16:19-31).
Regarding Abraham’s answer to the rich man’s question, Thomas Cahill wrote, “We cannot know if Jesus’ original parable ended with this glancing reference to His own resurrection, but Luke certainly intends the Christian reader to catch it.”
Abraham was right. Soon the world will celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. Yet, it will not impress the masses of people who are determined to do whatever they want---even though Jesus rose from the dead.