Stonecroft Christian Women's Luncheon, July 18


Celebrate our country’s Independence, wear your red, white and blue.
Speaker - Susan Childers from Chanute KS. “You Are Special”.
Feature Ashlynn Newman
Clinton Candle Co.
Location - Fellowship Hall of First Assembly
1506 E Ohio, Junction of highway 7 & 13
**New Entrance**
Park in the South parking lot and enter by the door on the south west corner of the church
Reservations·_ Debra Dolly (660)885-5918 or
Cost of lunch $12
It’s important for our meal count that you call with
reservation or cancellation by Friday July 14th.
Hope we see you Tuesday!
Our thanks to the First Assembly of God Church for use of their hall.
Meal catered by Melinda Dehn.