Narcanon: What You Need To Know About Fentanyl


Fentanyl, also known as Actiq, Duragesic or Sublimaze in its prescription form, is a potent painkiller made in the 1960s to treat extreme pain. Some preparations of Fentanyl can be 50 times more powerful than morphine.
Because Fentanyl is so potent, drug dealers have been progressively increasing the amount mixed into heroin, oxycodone or Xanax. This is deceiving to buyers who are unaware a powder or pill may contain Fentanyl.
If you or a loved one are struggling with Fentanyl, reach out for help. Narconon helps people all over the US find treatment.
To learn what to look for visit: What You Need to Know about Fentanyl (
Narconon can help you take steps to overcome addiction in your family. Call today for free screenings or referrals. 1- 800-431-1754