Municipal Court


Gary Cover


Nichole Marie Ford, Driver Fail To Secure Child 80 Pounds Or More Or Over 4 Feet 9 Inches In Booster Seat Or Safety Belt, Defendant Sentenced To Fine $10.00

Amanda Lea Groves, Oper Veh Without Maintaining Financial Responsibility, Defendant Sentenced To Fine $66.50 And Court Cost

Amanda Rahe Hammond, Operate Vehicle On Highway Without Valid Or No License, Defendant Sentenced To Fine $191.50 And Court Cost

Mindy Joe Kenagy, Nuisance Violation, Defendant Sentenced To Fine $316.50 And Court Cost

Dalton Edwin, Blake Mitchell, Defendant Sentenced To Fine $316.50 And Court Cost, Defendant Sentenced To Fine $50.50 And Court Cost

Sharon Sue Shinn, Animal At Large, Defendant Sentenced To Fine $266.50 And Court Cost

Kelley D Simmons, Defective Equipment, Defendant Sentenced To Fine $116.50 And Court Cost; Operate Vehicle On Highway Without Valid Or No License, Defendant Sentenced To Fine $191.50 And Court Cost

Cheyenne Leigh Wendegatz, Defective Equipment, Defendant Sentenced To Fine $191.50 And Court Cost; Resisting Arrest, Suspended Imposition Of Sent., Defendant Sentenced To Sis, 2 Years Probation