Letters To The Editor


Dear Editor,
Where to start - How about with a history lesson. Palestine is a made up word!
In 135 AD, emperor Hadrian changed the name of Israel to Syria-Palestina to punish the Jews for the Bar Kokhba rebellion. He expelled the remainder of the Jewish people and changed the name - a slam in their face by palestina referring to Israel's ancient enemy the Philistines (extinct by this point in time). There is no ancient people's of Palestine. The PLO terrorist Yasser Arafat coined the term "palestinian peoples" in 1964 long after the Jewish nation was REBORN in 1948. The majority of these Palestinians are overwhlemingly Jordanian and a smattering of Syrians and Egyptians made refugees by all the failed attacks on Israel by Jordan, Syria and Egypt. As far as brother Ishmael, he was NOT the son of promise. That would be Abraham's son Isaac and through him to Jacob. Jacob had twelve sons, one being Judah where the term "jew" comes from. But Ishmael received a far better deal, his descendants would occupy several thousand square miles of territory, virtually most of the middle east. Isaac however would only receive a tiny portion of the land promised to him. A sliver smaller than the state of New Jersey. And Ishmael's descendants want to gabble that up as well.
People are screaming for a two state solution. An idea totally ludicrous when one side only seeks a one state solution and extermination of the other sides people. Does the term "from the river to the sea" ring any bells? Also there is only one democracy in the middle east and that is Israel. The rest are either monarchies or dictatorships. Gaza is not a democracy nor ever will be.
The late prime minister Golda Meir once said words to the effect of "if our enemies would lay down their weapons there would be peace tomorrow but if we lay down our weapons we would be annihilated tomorrow".
I think Bibi Netanyahu has shown great restraint in regard to the unparalleled atrocities of October 7 by Hamas terrorists. If I were him and this had happened to my people and my familiy I would be tempted to turn Gaza into a parking lot. Hamas has sown the wind and must now reap the whirlwind.
Just my opinion.

Joe Morrison