Letter To The Editor


Dear Editor,
Kudos to all of the City of Warsaw employees for the superb job with the Drake Harbor Christmas display!
The display was designed and constructed by city employees. The creativity, quality and uniqueness of all of the various figures is outstanding!
Our special thanks to all involved in the Drake Harbor display! You should be very proud! As residents of Warsaw, we are very proud to "show it off"!

Mike & Kerry Murray

Dear Editor,
Hear, O Israel: why do you make war on your brother Ishmael {also son of Abraham}? Why do you keep your bother in an open air prison {Gaza} forcing him to despair? Why do you accept over $3 billion in military aid from the United States every year? Why are you so preoccupied with killing your brother? Cannot brothers {Jews and Arabs} live in peace? The peaceful removal of one man will solve this crisis once and for all. That man is Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu. Hamas and Hezbollah are the direct result of his hate towards all Palestinians.
As a citizen of and believer in democracy, I applaud the efforts of the Palestinian people. Their efforts are similar to what is happening in many other parts of the world. Believe it or not, one thing that overrides capitalism and political correctness in the United States is the right to have one's voice heard. This is the foundation of which our democracy is built on.
The Palestinian people should continue to defy Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu’s powerful armed forces so that Palestinian democracy can continue to thrive. It is unfortunate that the United States compromised on one of its most fundamental values in order to protect its economic interests in the Middle East; something that happens all too often domestically as well. It is not the Palestinian people that are attempting to expand Hamas and Hezbollah power but rather it is Netanyahu who has engaged in intimidation to prevent the will of the people {both Palestinian and Israeli} from being heard. Why else would he stoop to such underhanded tactics to block various means of communication among the citizens of Palestine and Israel? Why is Netanyahu forcing Israel to return to the Cold War utilizing political strong-arm tactics such as violence? Netanyahu, you have had over sixteen years to acknowledge Palestine and have failed them by your own choosing. The days of your despotic regime are finally coming to an end as it appears the desire for freedom will continue to sweep among the Middle Eastern nations as well as Israel.
Accordingly, let the call go forth among all citizens of Palestine that your brothers and sisters of democracy {from all over the world} are with you during every trial and tribulation you may encounter during this crisis. To the people of Palestine, the trumpet of freedom beckons you to rise in protest and louden your voice to preserve your sacred heritage, promote your children's future and obtain the blessings of liberty we all cherish. Palestine, the hour of your redemption is at hand. As you the rightful citizens move forward to reclaim your own country, rise and strike! In the name of those who were murdered fighting for everyone's rights, rise and strike! To push back this evil regime, rise and strike! Let no one continue to fear this man. Every Palestinian must be strong and fight on for their freedom. Rise and strike!
Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, you little weasel. Let Palestine go! Hey Mr. Bibi how many kids will it be? The whole World is watching!

Joe Bialek