Have I Got A Line For You!


This year is zipping along like hell on wheels and I wonder where the time went? MLK Day was Monday and in a few weeks we’ll mark President’s Day. Remember when it was celebrated as George Washington’s birthday? The feds changed it sometime during the 1970’s, making it another piece of our history swept into the dust bin.
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Dr. Fauci was in the hot seat when he testified before a Congressional Committee. The Good Doctor said the 6 feet for social distance guidelines, “Just sort of appeared, without meaningful scientific input and were likely not based on scientific data”. The idea initially came from a 2006 high school science project. It placed third. Makes your head spin, doesn’t it? Dr. Fauci signed off on a grant to conduct gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab, which was against F-ederal law. This was germ warfare and a political attack on our country by China. Then our government used it as a tool. Since Covid resulted in more deaths than WWII, shouldn’t there be a Nuremburg trial for Dr. Fauci? How about the governors who mandated nursing home policies that killed thousands? In the meantime, we’re left with little circles where we all once stood, because we trusted the highest paid federal employee in the land. That situation was like letting the fox guard the hen house.
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Speaking of the hen house, this just popped into my mind. I remember a blessing that Pastor Joe Nelms gave years ago down at a racetrack in Tennessee, "Lord I want to thank you for Sunoco racing fuel, Goodyear tires and my smokin' hot wife Lisa." In these chaotic times it's good to take things with a sense of levity. This attitude of happiness is something most folks are lacking right now. We briefly had chickens when I was around eight or nine. Gobee the rooster had an attitude of happiness that had the hens lining up for him. His true love though, was sister Amy's hen Thelma. She mostly ignored him except when the sun went down and the other hens scattered to the end of the coop. There was also the problem that Gobee was small and often thrown over Thelma's head when she wasn't in the mood. There's probably a lesson to be learned here, but I'm not sure what it is. Gobee and Thelma didn’t last long. Our Saint Bernard Bozo got them when brother John left the coop door open.
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Have a safe trip through your day Old Buddy and take care of yourself.
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'Til Next Week: