Have I Got A Line For You!


More information has been uncovered on the Biden Family’s shady business dealings. The President paid $2.75 million in cash for his beach house after Hunter sent text messages to his Chinese business partner demanding $10 million. Sounds like 10% went to the Big Guy after all. Isn’t it amazing that a life-long politician and a school teacher ended up with two multi-million dollar homes? He’s not the only politician to enter the Capital broke who leaves a millionaire. Pay to play is as American as apple pie. We legalized bribery by calling it lobbying and legalized insider trading for Congress too. This rot is so deep its gangrene. Wonder if we’ll take the whole world down when the Federal Government’s Ponzi scheme collapses?
Speaking of the President, he started his address Thursday night by reading the instructions on the teleprompter. This is getting interesting kids and he wants billions to support war in other countries. What is being done to fix the problems here? Uncle Joe and the gang are in way over their heads. Not surprising when you fill positions with box checkers, rather than the most competent. You can get away with it when your biggest issues are pronouns, diversity training and electric cars. Now were on the verge of a major war with open borders, money to Iran and military funding cuts. UNBELIEVABLE!
Now why this just came to mind, I don’t know. Perhaps it’s because a school bus rolled by while I was walking Max. But we had a book in the R-9 North Library called “The Man Without A Country.” (The library by the way, also had a TV where we watched the Last of the Mohicans with Mrs. Bowden. It was also where we were taken to watch the news when President Reagan was shot). Another book title was “The Cave Boy” by William L. Nida. I hope that, wherever W.L. Nida is, that he’s pleased somebody remembered his name after all these years.
Off that subject, Mrs. Spry told me that all I talk about is politics. Not completely true! After this disjointed column, I’m going to sit back with a double espresso. It’s very necessary at the moment because I woke up at 3:00 AM. Lot’s of thinking to do. Hang in there Old Buddy and I’ll do the same, even if I’m a bit weary at the moment
Til Next Week: