Have I Got A Line For You!


Our southern border is still a big fiasco and ICE says 5.7 million more illegal migrants have crossed. No one is certain who they are. Don’t worry! President Biden has come up with a solution. It’s an I.D. Card and tracks their court date. Cards to track them, what a swell idea! This has more do with the voting booth than court dates, which is the reason our borders are overlooked in the first place. I wonder if each card comes with a list and direction to sanctuary cities. Uncle Joe wants to give them free healthcare and housing at taxpayer expense. Meanwhile, he’s sticking it to everyone that is legal with new IRS agents.
Back at the ranch…..Hunter’s attorney and the prosecutors have agreed to put his trial date well into next year. Bet the Biden Cartel is judge shopping. If this doesn’t show a two tiered justice system, I don’t know what does. They’re throwing it out there for everyone to see and aren’t worried one bit. Why hasn’t The Donald received the same consideration? What a crazed old world.
Let’s jump to something else. An Austrian archaeologist found sealed jars of wine in a tomb belonging to Queen Meryt-Neith. She was buried in Egypt 5,000 years ago. I enjoy reading about these finds and wish our schools still inspired a passion for history. Not sure what Queen Meryt-Neith would think about her tomb being plundered. It was built for eternity to preserve and protect her remains. The universe is full of such mysterious. Do you suppose Adam and Even made apple wine?
Speaking of the universe, scientists have been watching a mysterious light blinking in space every 21 minutes for the past 35 years. Each pulse lasts five minutes and astronomers have no idea what it is. Could someone be trying to contact us? Is it a warning of some kind? Are we the only intelligent life that exists? Bet there’s every chance we will be “contacted” some day by life far more advanced than ours. Let’s hope we don’t look like food to them. If we found chickens on Mars, would we eat them?
The world moves on. Perhaps we’re already in Armageddon and have been for a few years. A quotation from the late monk Thomas Merton comes to mind. “Let there always be quiet, dark churches in which people can take refuge. Houses of God filled with his silent presence. There, even when they do not know how to pray, at least they can be still and breath easily.” Take care of yourself old buddy.
Til Next Week: