Fristoe News


This week was almost Winter Weather, but it shows signs of warmth coming back for maybe a couple weeks; fine by me.

Sending happy birthday shout-outs this week to Rodney Johnson on December 7, Randy Arnett on December 10 and to Kele First as she celebrates her birthday on December 12. Happy, happy birthday to all three!

Sending prayer requests out and this is someone who has been on the prayer list but request is much different. Delores Prater was returning home from spending time with her children in the city and arriving at home she was climbing the steps to her door and she fell and broke several ribs, her collar bone and pelvis. She is in the hospital at Sedalia and will be for several more days. Delores and Claude attend Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church and have for several years and they are asking for everyone to remember Delores in prayers. Prayers also for Lovely Henderson, Duncan (DoNut), Donna Nelson, Kathy First, Jeanne Wright, Carolee Apperson, Lewis and Judy Retherford, Gladys Harris, Easter Willis, Curtus Allen, Mary Scarbrough and a reminder about Gracie Yoder and her missionary team. Gracie and her team are headed for Thailand at the beginning of December. She said she would never forget Cambodia and all of the things God brought to light to her while she was there. Gracie is ready to learn a lot of new things that will come her way in Thailand. Everyone keep her and her missionary team in prayer!

On Sunday, December 10, the Fristoe Lighthouse Church will have their Annual Combination Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner after the church service on Sunday morning. Church will provide all meat and each person add a side dish. Anyone in the area should feel free to come and join the people of the church.

Several people were absent from church on Sunday morning for one reason or another. However, special songs were done by Claude with Tony, Ken and Bryan. Ken, along with DoBee and Brenda, did a special and Dave also did a great special. Br. Bryan read the scriptures in the Acts chapter that Pastor Smith used for his message. In Acts, the study of the movement of the Holy Spirit was being brought forth by the disciples of Jesus in that day. The lesson brought for Sunday School began a new unit of study and is the study of the book of Matthew! We begin by studying chapter 5 on Beatitudes.

Thought for the week: He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down without walls!

Hope everyone has a great week!