Fifth Annual Marriage & Family Event To Be Held At Trinity Lutheran-Cole Camp


A Marriage and Family Conference that honors the Biblical institution of marriage will be held again at Trinity Lutheran Church at 104 Butterfield Trail, Cole Camp, on April 21-22. This is the fifth year for the conference.
The event, which this year is themed “Christian Spiritual Life in the Family & Congregation,” will begin on Friday with registration at 5:45 p.m. Saturday’s program starts at 8:00 a.m.
This free workshop is sponsored by the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod congregations of the Cole Camp Regional Ministry (Holy Cross, Mt. Hulda, St. John, and Trinity) and the Sedalia Circuit which extends to the communities of Camdenton and Versailles, to Warsaw, Appleton City, and Sedalia. The conference, which is available to everyone, aims to grow appreciation for God’s gift of marriage and the family and for participants to return home encouraged and better equipped to lead faithful lives. Husbands, wives, parents, children, widows, and all single persons are invited.
No participation fee is required for this event, but a free-will offering will be collected during the services. Registration is encouraged by April 9 to assist conference preparation. Visit or call 660-668-2364, Ext. 3 to register and to learn additional details about the conference.
The featured speaker for this year’s conference is Rev. Dr. Gifford Grobien, Assistant Provost, Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program, and Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN. He typically teaches courses in theological ethics, the Lutheran Confessions, and dogmatics.
The schedule of events will open on Friday evening with an Evening prayer service at 6:15 p.m., followed by a short break and then the first plenary presentation. Saturday’s program will begin at 8:00 a.m. with a Matins service, followed by the second plenary session at 9:30 a.m.
In addition, three breakout times will be offered on Saturday in LSA classrooms next door to the church. Participants may choose from among the following:
* “The Subtle Idols Slaying our Children.” Rev. Steve Andrews Jr, St. Matthew-Lee’s Summit, MO.
* “Stewardship and the Family.” Rev. Heath Curtis, Zion-Carpenter, IL; Trinity-Wordon, IL; & Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Coordinator for Stewardship.
* “The Present of Presence: Using Ancient Monastic Wisdom to Combat Acedia Toward Your Family.” Rev. Kyle J. Fittje, Immanuel-Lockwood, MO.
* “Lord Be Our Light When Worldly Darkness Veils Us: Joy in the Midst of a Dark World.” Rev. Sean Kilgo, Redeemer-Lawrence, KS.
* “The Family that Prays Together, Stays Together.” Rev. Dr. Rocco Mallardi, Heit’s Point Lutheran Ministries, Lincoln, MO.
* “Bearing the Crosses of the Family.” Rev. Andrew Preus, Trinity-New Haven, MO.
* “Endurance.” Rev. Erik Rottmann, Grace-Versailles, MO.
* “What to do with the Desires of Your Heart? Learning How to Handle Your Passions.” Rev. Dr. Gregory Truwe, Trinity-Cole Camp, MO.
The schedule will conclude back in Trinity’s sanctuary at approximately 3:10 p.m. with a panel discussion and Q&A followed by a closing devotion.
A Children’s track will be offered for potty-trained children through 6th grade. Children in 7th grade and older will benefit from participating in the full conference.
A Gemütlichkeit will be held at The German Table in Cole Camp following Plenary #1 on Friday night. This is an opportunity to eat, drink, and gather in fellowship. It will also provide opportunity to discuss things of interest from the conference so far. There is no charge for this event.
A free-will lunch on Saturday will be provided by Clinton’s TLC Smokehouse & Catering.
Hotels are available in Sedalia, Lincoln, Warsaw and at Heit’s Point (Phone 660-668-2363.) Each location is about a 10 - 30-minute drive from Cole Camp.