On Tuesday November 19, members of the Clinton City Council gathered for their regularly scheduled meeting with Mayor Carla Moberly presiding. Council Persons present were Gene Henry, Roger House, Cameron Jackson, Austin Jones, Gary Mount, Shelley Nelson and Greg Shannon. Absent was Stacia Wilson. Others present included City Administrator Christy Maggi, City Clerk Wendee Seaton, City Attorney Doug Harris, Deputy Police Chief Paul Abbott, Fire Chief Mark Manuel, Deputy Fire Chief Matt Willings and Economic Development Director Mark Dawson.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance, minutes from the November 5th meeting were approved. There were no personal appearances. Reports were then heard. David Lee gave a report on the Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce, citing the success of the 2024 Economic Development Luncheon. He also stated that about 80 individuals attended the Clinton Job and Resource Fair. Next came a report from Economic Development Director Mark Dawson who stated that several upcoming projects look promising.
Following these reports a motion was made and approved for an ordinance regarding designation of call out towing for service for police calls. Next came the approval for an ordinance vacating undeveloped Titus Place, a street located in the City. Parks & Recreation requested and received approval for a Nature Trail sign. Waste Water information was given about three areas of sewer line that cannot be lined, as they currently need repairs. Evaluations will take place for options. CIPP will begin after repairs are complete. AWR staff will make repairs if possible. They are for Sedalia and 2nd Street, Allen Street and 2nd Street and Walnut and 3rd Street.
In other business the Police Department ticket writer units still work but will not work after December 31, 2024. There are no other options and new units need to purchased. A motion was made and approved for new ticket writers at a cost of $15,485.
The Animal Shelter is experiencing drainage issues where gravel was placed behind the facility. Helm’s Plumbing recommended a solution that would cost $3,000 with pumping. The situation is under review.
An inquiry was made by the Greater Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce regarding the Economic Development contract. There has not been an increase for inflation since 2021. An increase from $126,000 to $160,000 was requested. Chamber representatives also indicated they would like to visit in mid 2025 regarding additional financial assistance as they transition through the retirement of the current Economic Development Director and the hiring of a new person for that position. The Council requested more information from The Chamber.
Bill No. 2024-29 regarding a grant agreement between The City of Clinton and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources for a Facility Plan for the Stoneridge Subdivision was tabled until the next meeting. Before adjourning, discussion was held on a prior request for information on the penalties for the failure to obtain a building permit, specifically related to the property on Epicurean Drive. City Administrator Maggi stated that Community Development Director Bailey usually obtains compliance prior to pursuing a penalty, but there have been cases where a penalty, of double the permit fee has been accessed. The City Attorney explained these issues can be addressed through an administrative process or a criminal process.
With no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:54 PM.