City Of Warsaw Affirms Reduced Budget For 2024


In regular session Tuesday eve, Warsaw's Board of Aldermen approved a reduced overall 2024 budget for its city funds and okayed a 3.5% salary increase for full-time employees. Both actions had been suggested by City Administrator Randy Pogue at a recent meeting.

The meeting opened at 6:00 PM on December 26, with Aldermen Eric Flores, Lou Breshears, Adam Howe and Rob Coskey present. Mayor Eddie Simons and Alderman Reba Slavens were both absent from the quorum of the meeting. Alderman Flores served as Mayor Pro Tem in Simons' absence. City Clerk Jessica Kendall recorded.

First actions by this group was to approve the agenda and minutes of their previous meeting.

There was no other business, so the group went into executive session at about 6:10 PM. In that session, and upon the recommendation of the city's Planning and Zoning board, appointed Elvin Ehrhart as that board's newest member during its closed session.

Visitors are always welcomed to the group's open sessions, which are usually held on 1st and 3rd Monday eves, the next being scheduled for Tuesday, January 2.