Church News: 9-15-22


Calhoun UMC
Welcome to the Good News from Calhoun United Methodist. We were pleased to gather in fellowship and love, to praise the Lord with church family. We ring the church bell at 9:45 to call the “flock” to
10:00 Worship. Our service is live-streamed for face book.
Our Sympathy and Christian love are extended to the family and friends of Edwin Askins who passed
into the arms of Jesus last week. Others on our prayer list included Judy Hudson, Gary Hibbs, Pastor
Margie Briggs, Shelby Bicknell, Logan Colwell, Hal Ross, Bob and Dave Burson. We continue to pray for the Ukrainian people and their fight for freedom, the lost, lonely and the least in this country. We pray for our church families and the welfare of each and every American.
Joys to be celebrated: About 80 members of Calhoun Baptist, Calhoun United Methodist Mt Olivet,
Drake’s Chapel UMC, and Soul’s Harbor Church joined in a Union Worship Service on the City Hall lawn during the 113th Annual Calhoun Colt Show Celebration. The offering of $380 this year was donated to Hope House, a home for women with various issues. Pastor Margie was in charge of the Children’s time during the service and told the children if they only had faith the size of a mustard seed; God would help them do great things. Samantha and Justin Stockings son James Dean; was a second place winner in the Baby Show in his age group, and also participated in the Baby Crawl. Our church served homemade
cinnamon rolls and coffee free of charge Saturday morning in celebration of being a part of the Colt
Show festivities since the beginning in 1902. Our church was also honored by the Colt Show Executive Board as the Colt Show Premium Catalogue Book Dedication. Steve Siercks pulled a float carrying Pastor Margie Briggs and other members of the church seated on pews used in the original Union Church built in Calhoun in 1974. We are proud to have been the hands and feet of our Lord Savior Jesus Christ on the Calhoun Square for 118 years.
We welcome visitors any Sunday morning for worship, come dressed as you are comfortable and be
prepared to receive a blessing for your effort. We will be blessed by your presents.
Clinton Church
of the Nazarene
What a pleasure to be in the House of the Lord. Our Song Service just gets better and better. We are blessed to have such fine singers and musicians.
The morning message was: In the name of Jesus, scripture was Calossians 3:17. Many other scripture verses were used to further illustrate the message. Jesus is power! Call on His name. He is so very worthy to be praised. It is amazing what He can do.
Jesus defeated death and the grave. When we are weak, Jesus is strong. Jesus’ power is only available to those who believe. Confess, believe in your heart. Be saved today. Verses from acts 3, Mark 16, philippians.
On September 25th our dinner and music will start again. It will be a fried chicken dinner @ 5:30 pm
We thank everyone for coming to worship here today. We pray that you received a rich blessing by being here and that you will come again. See you in church?
First Baptist
As we remember 9/11, we also remember the unity of our nation afterwards. Especially in a time of division, we must remember to love each other, despite our differences. Let us pray to unite, walking in love, showing mercy for those who doubt and compassion for those not yet saved. Pastor Randy Shipman reminds us to contend for the faith.
September 1st marked the official launch of ’30 in 30’, a collective of at least 30 service projects for each of the 30 days in September. There are several opportunities available if you are interested in serving with one or more of these projects. For more information, please contact the church office at 660-885-2211.
A Disaster Training opportunity is available October 7-8 in Marshfield. If you are interested in this training, please contact the church office. Other opportunities for the week include Celebrate Recovery on Tuesday evening, beginning at 5:30 p.m., for anyone with hurts, habits and hangups, and Henry County Rescue Mission’s dinner at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday evening, followed by GriefShare at 6:00 p.m. for anyone needing help dealing with the death of a loved one. Also, please mark your calendar for Trunk or Treat on October 31st.
We invite those without a church home to join us in worship of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. First Baptist Church exists to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) by loving people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
First Presbyterian
At some point during your busy life, have you stopped, just for a moment, and taken notice of the beauty of this earth? The heavens shout God’s glory! He reminds us day by day of his love through his glorious creation. We are simply blessed! Praise him with thanksgiving and shout to him with joy. Using Acts 10: 34 – 43 Rev. Nancy Gillard delivered the message I Believe He Will Come to Judge the Quick and the Dead. Our hand chimes choir played a beautiful rendition of “Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus.
We continue to collect for the Festival of Sharing. Donations of school supplies, Best Choice Labels, prescription glasses and garden seeds are growing on the foyer shelves. Later in the month the Naomi Ruth Circle ladies will begin making “Blankets of Love” for young children in the area. All help is most graciously appreciated.
This Friday, September 16th from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm the Deacons will host a garage sale in the Fellowship Hall. On Saturday, September 17th the hours will be 8:00 am – NOON. There is a wide variety of items. Come shop in the comfort of air conditioning. You never know what treasures are awaiting your discovery.
Tai Chi classes continue in fellowship hall each Monday and Wednesday at 10:00 am. Come be a part of one of these classes.
Weekly ZOOM Bible Study is on Wednesday’s at 11:30 am. Please contact the church office and the link will be sent to you if you are interested in participating. Rev. Gillard guides this weekly study.
You are invited to join us in worship each week. If unable to attend in person, please find us online at: You tube Nancy Gillard, or Facebook First Presbyterian Clinton MO. Our Sunday service is also broadcast on FM radio 87.9 at 10:30 am.
Golden Valley Christian
It is difficult to understand why people, especially those who call themselves Christians, do not read or study the Bible. Some think the Bible is too difficult to understand; others think it is too boring. Actually, the Bible is full of mystery, romance, action, and much, much more. If you would follow the lives of Father Abraham, son Isaac, and grandson Jacob, along with Jacob’s twelve sons, you would be surprised to see how much these people were just like people today. Even in the New Testament, we find “good guys and bad guys.” The Apostle Paul, in the beginning, was an enemy of Jesus. The very best thing the Bible reveals to us is the way of salvation, through Jesus Christ. The Bible is a book of encouragement, along with warnings, and a roadmap for living a full, happy life. It is still the best book ever written. (2 Timothy 3:16)
Last Sunday evening was this fall’s first gathering of our youth, grades 6-12, for “The Amazing (Service) Race.” Thanks go to Melynne Jones for directing this activity. Our Wednesday night Bible study is expected to resume September 21st. Although Christmas may be a few months away, it’s time to start gathering items for the annual Operation Christmas Child project. Now is a good time to buy school supplies for the boxes.
Last Sunday, GVCC hosted a group of Christian gentlemen, preparing to begin a bike ride across the Katy Trail. They drove from Ohio, arriving Saturday night, to spend their first night at the GVCC building. They will be hosted overnight by other sister churches along the Katy Trail, as they make their way back east. One of the group, Jim Bush, Regional Director of Recruiting for the Russel School of Ministry, brought our morning message. Bro Jim’s message started with scripture from John 4:35-36. The focus of the message was the responsibility of Christians to share the Word with others and bring them to Jesus Christ. As our world seems to shatter today, it is all the more important to deliver this message to others. To emphasize the point, Ezekiel 33:1-11 was quoted, telling us how we would be held responsible if we do not act.
Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street in Clinton. Sunday School classes begin at 9:30 AM, and the morning worship service is at 10:30. Our Wednesday evening Bible study is suspended for the summer. Our minister is James McFarland (office phone # 660-890-0252), and our website is, where you will also find a link to access our Facebook page. We are happy to invite you to attend our services, where you will always receive a warm welcome.
Mt. Calvary
Apostolic Pentecostal
“We Are Soldiers In The Army Of The Lord”
Luke 9:1.(KJV)
We all have a mission. Every branch of service has a mission in our lives. Parents have a mission to teach their children and raise them, we have a mission to take care of ourselves. Being a solider in the army of the Lord is similar to being a soldier for United States military.
The military has a code of conduct to learn how to conduct oneself in the military. In the army of the Lord we as Christian soldiers also need a code of conduct. Like the military we too should be willing to give our lives for the cause.
We should never surrender our free will to the devil. If captured, we spiritually should make every effort to escape the devil and get back in alignment with God. We should never forget as Christians we are fighting for freedom, being responsible for our actions, dedicated to God and that he made us free and trust God.
Being a soldier in God’s army we should live by the code of conduct by putting it in our heart, God’s word in our heart so we don’t forget. In Luke 1:1 God gave his disciples a mission. Jesus gave them power and authority over all devils, to preach the kingdom of God, and heal the sick.
Luk 9:38-39, 42. (KJV)
Fear can cause you to not finish your mission. It can hinder you doing your job for God. The demons tore at the child and the disciples forgot about the weapons Jesus gave them. The devil knows the power that Jesus had, but he still tried to flex his muscles by causing the boy to fall down.
Jesus rebuked him. The demons also knew the power and authority Jesus gave them, but they wanted to scare the disciples so they would not rid the boy of the demon.
They will try to do the same thing to us today in an effort to keep us from doing God’s work. We have to focus on our code of conduct. As Christians we have to act like Christians.
We need to prepare people to receive the gospel, being Christ like so they will receive the in dwelling of the Holy Spirit. People need to know we are here for them. There will be times when we cast out devils, because God gives us power over the devil. However, that is not the only thing we are here for.
Act 1:8. (KJV)
Having power and authority over devils is our weapon. Healing the sick, spreading the gospel, is our mission.
Paul had power and authority and he used it to cast out a spirit that followed him around proclaiming that he was a man of the most high God. That devil that followed him around was hindering his preaching the gospel and healing the sick. This spirit was distracting. Paul cast that demon out of the woman.
Our mission is to pray for others, preach the gospel, and heal the sick. It says in
Mar 16:15-18. (KJV)
The disciples did everything God commissioned them to do. We also can be a good soldier for God in his army by going out and preaching the gospel, praying, healing the sick. God Bless.
Urich Baptist
The weather was perfect as we gathered to worship the Lord. Mrs. Julia Klinefelter led in the congregational singing with Mrs. Dixie Collins playing piano. We rejoiced with Mick Vogt, Olivia and Michael Klinefelter on their birthdays. Randy Vogt and Clint Keeney collected the offering.
The scripture passage from Pastor chad Pollett’s sermon was from John1: 19-28. In this passage John the Baptist denied being the Christ. Priests and the Levites were sent by the Sanhedrin to find out who he was. He said he wasn’t Christ or Elijah. He told them one was coming later after him whose sandals he was unworthy to untie. We are all unworthy, but with the gift of God’s Son, Jesus, and by our faith in Him, we will live eternally. What a wonderful gift to be with God for eternity. Have a great week.
Valley Center United
In God’s presence, we find hope, faith and the love that conquers all! Valley Center Church is an open and affirming church and welcomes all to come and worship with us!
Next Sunday, September 18th, we will be celebrating our 150th year of the life of our church! We will begin our worship services at 10am, followed by a walk through our 150 year history. We will have a story and memory sharing time from those in attendance. There will be a very special lunch that will be served in the fellowship hall. It promises to be delicious! Everyone is invited to share this special day together!
We continue our prayers for Jason Gover, who recently had heart surgery.
David Cummings came today to share his wonderful piano talent with us! David Maggi sang and played his Kazoo for us! They are a very talented duo!
David Maggi gave the message today in Rev. Dane’s absence. Emily Neuenschwander lit the altar candles to begin services.
We should all live a life of gratitude and love. Sometimes religion gets caught up with too many rules that get in the way of the gift that God intended us to share; which is simply love. So many times we try to do what is right to please someone, and often it just isn’t enough. We may even question ourselves about how things were received by others. We just need to realize that we cannot please some people, no matter how good our intentions were.
We are to give our gifts and talents and others will give theirs. Do not worry about what others are doing or not doing, just do your best! We need to use and share the gifts we have and feel good about them.
Imagine the vision of Jesus on the throne and you are on your knees. You are thinking of all the things that you have done wrong in your life. But when you looked up at Jesus, you saw that he wasn’t looking at all of those things. The light that showed from his eyes was of pure love, perfect love and it was then that you knew that he was looking only at you.