Church News 7-7-22


First Baptist
Pastor Randy Shipman welcomed the congregation & those who were visiting on this
Independence Sunday. Pastor Randy also introduced the "Down East Boys", the vocalists for both morning worship services. "Down East Boys" were also one of the groups who sing
in the 'Gospel Fest" at the Benson center Sunday evening. Pastor Randy also was congratulated for the 22 years he has faithfully served as our pastor at First Baptist Church, Clinton.
Parents don't forget to enroll your children for Vacation Bible School to be held at the Vansant Road location from 6:PM -8:30 PM. This will be a fun-filled event for all children who attend. The th Vacation Bible School for 3 thru 6 year old children will be on July 17th thru the 22nd. The Global Leadership Summit will be held August 4-5. Parents,please telephone the church office for more information on any of these activities.
Families are invited to FBC for Celebrate Recovery every Tuesday evening beginning with a
free meal at 5:30 PM, followed by the meeting of the Large Group at 6:30 PM & Small Groups meet at 7:30 PM. Celebrate Recovery is a Christ Centered 12 step program that provides people the resources & relationships to help recover from lives, hurts, habits & hangups.
For the homebound worship services can be heard on KDKD @95.3 @ 10:00 AM Sunday
Morning. For more information on the activities of the church please telephone the church office @660-885-2211 or visit our website <>
We also invite those in the Clinton area who don't have a church home to join us in worship of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. First Baptist Church exist to fulfill the Great
Commission(Matthew 28: 19-20) by loving people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
First Presbyterian
In the midst of your troubles, cry out to God. He always hears and responds to your needs. God will comfort you and restore your soul. Be joyous and filled with hope because we live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Our choir sang the anthem “Upon This Rock” by Althouse. Rev. Nancy Gillard delivered the message using the biblical text 11 Samuel 1: 1, 17 -27 titled Enjoy the Holiday, but Remember.
This church continues to serve as a Cooling Center. If there is a heat advisory, the church will be open to anyone needing a cool place to escape the heat. Hours of operation will be Monday through Friday from 1:00 – 5:00 pm. A light lunch is provided.
A total of 89 cake mixes were delivered to the Samaritan Center for their food pantry. Thank you for the generosity to everyone who contributed.
Supplies of materials to make personal hygiene items for the “Little Girls in Africa” Project are available in the church foyer. Your help is appreciated in the work of this project.
Don’t forget to sign up those kiddos for Jesus Camp, held at our facility, July 18 – 22. Be sure to invite your children, grandchildren, friends and neighbors. To register go on Heartland’s website:
Tai Chi classes are held here Monday mornings at 10:00 am and 11:00 am in the fellowship hall and Wednesday’s at 10:00 am only.. The classes last for approximately one hour and are open to the public. Come join in the fun.
Weekly ZOOM Bible Study is Wednesday at 11:30 am. Please contact the church office and the link will be sent to you if you are interested in participating. Rev. Nancy guides this weekly study.
You are invited to join us in worship each week. If unable to attend in person, please find us online at: You tube Nancy Gillard, or Facebook First Presbyterian Clinton MO. Sunday sermons, worshipful music, church updates and prayer times are available there. Our Sunday service is also broadcast on FM radio 87.9 at 10:30 am.
Golden Valley Christian
While it is now just called “the 4th of July,” for the majority of people, July 4th is actually the day that was chosen as Independence Day, a very historic day in our nation. This was the day the United States declared its freedom from England. In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson acknowledges our God and Creator, and as long as we, the citizens of this great country, hold to our beliefs in God and obey the rights God gave us, this nation shall not fall.
More than a decade later, the Constitution of the United States was written, as one of the shortest written constitutions in the world. It is deemed so valuable that, immediately after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, the original document was taken to Fort Knox in Kentucky, for safekeeping. It took our founding fathers over one hundred days to draft and write this vital document, with many dissenting and hostile views, before finally being approved. By circumstances beyond their control, two stalwarts who fought for the independence from England, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, did not sign this document.
During last Sunday’s morning worship, we were given the pleasure of singing a song with our youth, including the hand motions that went with the song. Pride can be a sin, but in this case, we believe God and every person in our congregation is proud of these young people and their leaders. It is such a delight to see them using their talents to praise God (Luke 18:16).
Due to illness, Bro James was unable to bring the message; however, Ken Jones filled in and did an excellent job. With Independence Day at hand, Ken examined the preamble of the Declaration of Independence which says, “all . . . are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,” to gain understanding of the writers’ belief in God as creator and author of our inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We can understand how these rights are achieved, by following God’s revelation of basic expectations and behavior, the Ten Commandments, as recorded in Deuteronomy 5:5-22. God gave the ten commandments to the recently freed (Liberty) Hebrew people. These rules were given for the best interest of the people. Following them would give people ways to enhance their way of life, making it easier and better. We can also understand how divisions in our nation today reflect our breaking or ignoring these timeless commandments. Jesus summed up these responsibilities in two sentences (commandments) in Mathew 22:37-40. The constitution of the United States was also set up to enhance and better people’s lives.
Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street in Clinton. Sunday School classes begin at 9:30 AM, and the morning worship service is at 10:30. Our Wednesday evening Bible study is suspended for the summer. Our minister is James McFarland (office phone # 660-890-0252), and our website is, where you will also find a link to access our Facebook page. We are happy to invite you to attend our services, where you will always receive a warm welcome.
Mt. Calvary
Apostolic Pentecostal
Job 27:3-6 (KJV)
The word integrity from verse 5 stands out. Integrity is the state of being whole and undivided in honesty and sincerity.
It is best to have a desire to be honest, sincere, and treat people right.
Your life shouldn’t be affected by your situation or circumstances. Just because things are difficult in this world it shouldn’t take you out of character. You shouldn’t take things out on other people. If others act out of character, we should pray for them.
Matthew chapter 5 speaks of doing things for “show” giving alms. Whatever you are giving in the collection plate, just put it in, you don’t have to make a show of giving a large amount of money.
When praying, you don’t have to stand on the corner announcing it. The Bible tells us to go into our prayer closet. God isn’t looking at “Big, for show” he knows your heart. God wants us to have integrity.
Gen 6:9 (KJV)
In our society today, no one would think Noah was perfect. In God’s sight he was perfect because he walked with God in obedience.
Gen 17:1 (KJV)
Don’t worry about what people say or think. Walk in integrity with God and be obedient.
1Ki 9:4-5 (KJV)
David would not be viewed as perfect to our society knowing all he did. God looks at people different than how we see each other. God said David walked upright and that is how he saw him. When God told Solomon if he would walk before him as his father did, God meant all through life.
God knows who Satan wants to curse. Satan was allowed to do whatever to Job except take his life. He attacked every aspect of Job’s life. Satan was counting on Job cursing God, but he didn’t. Job worshiped God instead.
The boils did not cause Job to curse God, neither did his wife, being used by Satan when she told him to curse God and die. He still maintained his integrity.
Satan wants you to step out of line, be involved in the drama. God wants you to maintain your integrity no matter what.
Peter was looked upon as ignorant after healing the man at the gates.
People believe us to be dumb and ignorant because we believe the way we do, we don’t think as they do. God calls us a peculiar people. What others think about us doesn’t matter. Stand your ground and take on the mind of Christ.
Satan wants Jesus left out of everything, we see this in our society today. In Acts14:19-22 Paul was stoned, thrown outside the city and left for dead. When he regained consciousness he got up and went back into the city to continue preaching.
Stay whole and undivided for God. Keep your integrity and don’t allow anything or anyone to take you out of character. God Bless.
Trinity Lutheran
Zoe's Home is very excited to announce that we were awarded $50,000 in a matching grant from the Million Dollar Life Match grant from the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!! All donations will be matched dollar for dollar until we hit our goal of $50,000.
Zoe’s Home is a pregnancy and parenting home run by Trinity Lutheran Church in Clinton, MO. We are here to house pregnant women, new mothers, and their children. It is our goal to help combat homelessness, substance abuse, and mental health issues that cause families to suffer.
We strive to empower our residents with knowledge and education in how to be the best women and mothers that they can. We do this by providing classes in life skills, parenting, and financial literacy. Residents also have the opportunity to gain employment and complete educational programs to better their quality of life. We value the lives of both mothers and their children, and exist to help all of our residents live full and redemptive lives through faith in Christ. Emily Stocking, Executive Director.
This week, several teens from Trinity Lutheran are participating in the LCMS National Youth Gathering being held in Houston, Texas. The LCMS Youth Gathering provides thousands of youths and adults the opportunity to come together as a community of God’s people to be encouraged in their walk with Jesus Christ and learn about the Christian faith and their Lutheran identity. The preparation process for the NYG brings together young people and supportive adults to encourage each other in their baptismal identity. It provides young people a vision for the vastness of Christ’s Church and equips them for vocational service as they continue their walk with Jesus.
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is hosting a picnic on Wednesday, July 27th for the congregation. The meat (TLC Smokehouse) will be provided. Everyone is asked to bring side dishes and desserts to share. It will begin at 6 pm.
Urich Baptist
The sun was shining on this Sunday before Independence Day. Today, Clint Keeney rang the church bell. Mrs. Julia Klinefelter led in the congregational singing with Ms. Charlene Orr playing piano. Randy Vogt and Clint Keeney collected the offering.
The scripture passage from Pastor Chad Pollett's sermon was from Titus 3:1-2. Titus' job was to remind the people in Crete to be obedient to the government and authorities. The people first of all had to be obedient to God. Christians are to be ready to do good, be peaceable, considerate, and show true humility toward all people. Christians should be helpful, encouragers, and share the Gospel with love and kindness. Share your kindness this week.
Valley Center United
Our trust is in His promise that love will conquer all. We are an open and affirming church and welcome all to come and worship with us.
On this 4th of July, we set this day apart and celebrate along with all Americans the Declaration of Independence that was adopted by the Continental Congress in 1776. We are grateful for those who had a dream and vision of equality and justice for all. God grant that we may be a nation blessed with none oppressed and a true land of liberty.
Our challenge continues for donations of money and food to our local food bank. Plans are being made for our church's 150th year celebration on September 18th celebration and also for our annual Oktoberfest on October 15th. We hope to see many of you at these two events!
We send our prayers of love to Kim Meszaros. We thank our friend Rev. David Maggi for sharing the message this morning while Rev. Dane and Sharla are on vacation. Laurie Stinnett served as Liturgist.
Elijah was a prophet who lived in Israel. His nation had turned away from God, but Elijah defended the worship of the Hebrew God. The King of Syria was angered and sent his army to kill Elijah. With only two against an army of thousands, his servant said all was doomed. But even as things seemed so bleak, Elijah wasn't worried. He prayed to strike the army blind and he then led the army into the city. He fed the army instead of killing them. The Syrian army left and peace broke out. Elijah trusted in God and found peace in the midst of a storm.
Today there are a lot of contradictions and aggressions everywhere. It takes a lot of courage and faith to see how things really are. We depend on our faith to see that his love is greater than anything we can even imagine. Just like Elijah, he also gives us many opportunities to be leaders and peacemakers. He knows that we are weak, but it is our faith and trust in our Lord Jesus that gives us the strength to move forward.