Church News


Calhoun UMC
Welcome to the Good News from Calhoun Community Church (formerly Calhoun UMC) our church family gathers at 9:30 a.m. for pre- church food and fellowship. We use this special time for visiting one with another, welcoming Guests as they arrive for Worship, and signing cards of encouragement for our card ministry. We ring the church bell at 9:45 to proclaim that all God’s children are welcome to join us for worship at 10:00 a.m.
We lift up friends, neighbors, and relatives in need of prayer Rev. Jackson Short and wife Sondra, Patty Dump, Jean Dittmer, and Millie Redding. We continue to pray for our military men and women and their families, as well as others in service jobs that we depend upon daily. We pray for guidance as we continue forward as Calhoun Community Church on the square in Calhoun, Mo.
Joys to Celebrate: Our Lord provided a most beautiful evening for the Gospel Fest held on the City Hall lawn, Saturday evening. The event sponsored by Calhoun Community Church & Mt. Moriah Church was a huge success. We actually had to turn folks away who wanted to perform. Around 75 people brought their lawn chairs, and enjoyed a evening of inspirational musical entertainment provided by Larry and Judy Terry from Soul’s Harbor, Tightwad, Linda and Sam Gibbons from Northeast Baptist, Clinton, Tanner Wiley and Scott Brooks from Grace Fellowship, Cole Camp, The Praise Group, from Soul’s Harbor, Calhoun Baptist Church, and Mt. Moriah Church. Concessions were provided by Calhoun Community Church. An impromptu love offering was taken by the Calhoun Baptist Group and presented to the new kids on the block-Calhoun Community Church as we start anew. Our Thanks and Appreciation extended to Pastor Mark Abney and those who gave so generously.
Our next event will be a Movie Nite on the Square, Sat. October 21 nd, at 6:30 p.m. Many of us at Calhoun Community Church remember movies shown on a sheet hanging from the wall of the City Hall building in our youth. We want to pass that experience on to another generation of Calhoun Youth. The Event will be free of charge; start with a cartoon and then the movie “Hocus Pocus”; don’t forget lawn chairs or a blanket. (In the event of bad weather the event will be moved inside.) Soft drinks and other refreshments will be available for sale.
We are also reviving the Fifth Sunday Singspiration Event, Calhoun area Churches enjoyed before __. Calhoun Community Church is hosting the first of hopefully, many future Singspiration Events. Please come and enjoy a chili /soup fundraiser 4:00 to 5:30 prior to the service (free will donation accepted). All are welcome for what is promised to be uplifting and spiritual performances by area churches.
Should you be looking for a new place to grow your faith come by for a visit. Coffee and a snack at 9:30 in the Welcome Room with worship at 10:00; come dressed as you are comfortable, bring the youngsters and be prepared to receive a blessing for your effort. We are a Concerned and Praying Nondenominational church should you find yourself in need of prayer we encourage you to join us any Sunday morning. We will be blessed by your presents.

Drakes Chapel UMC
Today we celebrated World Wide Communion Sunday. Pastor Margie told of her experience of receiving communion in Africa while serving the Lord on a mission trip years ago.
Perhaps we take for granted our experience when we take of the Lord’s Supper. Margie’s story was how all the village people cherished the time when they could partake of communion. Drums would sound and voices would be raised to
Heaven. The believers coming from miles around.
The morning message reminded us of how important it is to let God guide us every day. To listen for his words and then do the things He would lead us to do. To say yes. Our gifts are many and our abilities as well, but we should stand ready. Following God’s lead just might be an unexpected blessing to someone else. The Lord gives us free will, but he also gives us hearts full of love and compassion. Will we be complacent or will we say YES!
Our fall calendar is looking busy at Drake’s. On October 15th, we will be welcoming Rev. Melissa Dodd, our Conference District Superintendent from
Columbia, Mo. She will bring us the morning message and guide on ways to do the business of the Lord in a simplified method.
On October 22nd, we will hear from women of the Hope Project in Clinton. This is a wonderful program that we at Drake’s Chapel UMC avidly support. Please join us to hear of the good things that happen when we, with the help of Jesus, give
others a hand up.
We look forward to doing many things for the Lord in the weeks and months to come. It would be our blessing to have you join us any Sunday in person at 9:00, 5 miles E of Clinton on Hwy 52 then left on 281 Rd. Church on the left about a mile down the road. On line worship is at the same time on Pastor Margie’s Facebook page.

First Baptist
On Sunday, Pastor Pat Findley delivered the 3 rd message of his fall sermon series, ‘Weakness is Greater than Strength’, titled “The Promise of God’s Presence”. Pastor Pat continued describing how the angel of God spoke to Gideon in Judges 6:17-24. When God commands Gideon to go and to strike down the Midianites, who have been wreaking havoc for 7 years, God assures Gideon that He will be with him. Gideon asks for assurance and for time to prepare an offering. The angel of the Lord agrees to wait for him. Although God has no need to prove Himself, He does when the angel of the Lord touches the offering and it is suddenly consumed by fire. Shocked and fearful, Gideon is assured by God’s presence. He begins to worship, building an alter named ‘The Lord is Peace’. This story helps us to know that we don’t have to understand the ‘how’, but to simply trust in Him. While Gideon’s circumstances haven’t changed, he experiences God’s peace. We, too, can find peace with God, even when the world around us is not at peace. How do we accept His peace over our worry or anxiety? We must pray to, trust in, and know Christ. Where are you in getting to know Jesus Christ? God has the power to transform us, and to assure us of our salvation. God says, “I will be with you”. Rest assured, knowing the promise of His presence!
Worship service times are 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and Sunday School is offered at 8:15 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Youth and Children’s Ministries also align with these times. Celebrate Recovery is on Tuesday evenings, beginning at 5:30 p.m., for anyone with hurts, habits and hangups. On Thursdays at 6 pm, GriefShare provides help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend. For more information and upcoming events, please visit or find us on Facebook at ‘First Baptist Church – Clinton, MO’.
We invite those without a church home to join us in worship of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ.  First Baptist Church exists to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) by loving people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

First Presbyterian
From the beginning of creation, God’s word was love. He has lavished that love on you and me, not because we did anything to earn it, but because it is a great gift to us. Let that love bring peace to you and give it away to others. We observed World Communion Sunday joining with God’s people around the world. From Despair to Hope was the message brought by Rev. Nancy Gillard. Matthew 13: 1 – 17 was the scriptural basis for this sermon. Linda Wilson played the beautiful old hymn “Whispering Hope” on the piano as our anthem.
The recent “Cut & Tie” work day was a resounding success. Hanging in the foyer are 12 brightly colored blankets created for the Festival of Sharing “Blankets of Love” project. The blankets are available to young children in the area who are in need.
Overflowing is the word to describe our foyer shelves filled with school supplies for the Reading and Writing Packs. These supplies will be delivered to Tipton October 14. The Presbyterian Women appreciate the generosity of the congregation concerning this mission project.
Interested in Tai Chi? Classes meet here each Monday and Wednesday at 10:00 am. Tai Chi helps strengthen your core and improve balance. Come and be a part of this dynamic group.
Are you looking for a church home? We would love to have you. A friendly group of people will welcome you and make you feel at home. If unable to attend in person our broadcasts are also available online at our website: or Facebook First Presbyterian Clinton MO. Stay updated on the happenings at First Presbyterian by visiting our website. Our monthly newsletter, pictures and other interesting items about the church can be found there.

Mt. Calvary Apostolic Pentecostal
“Go and Sin No More”
John 8:10-11. (KJV)
The men bringing accusations against this woman could have stoned her without coming to Jesus. However, they wanted to come to Jesus so they could question him.
John 8:5-7.
I have learned that related to the bible, I go with few words. Waiting on God to give more so the devil can’t turn my words around.
People have their ideas of what Jesus was writing in the dirt, and why the accusers walked away, but the bible does not tell us what he wrote. It does tell us in
John 8:9.
Those who heard it were convicted by what he said.
The woman who anointed Jesus’s feet with oil and cleaned them with her hair. came to him because he knew she was a sinner.
We as Christians can always do something, even if it is praying. This woman, though a sinner was more attentive to Jesus than the host.
(Luke 8:4o-50)
The Bible speaks of Mary Magdelene. She became a disciple of Christ following him along with the disciples. She witnessed him at the cross, prepared his body with spices, and was one of the first to see him when he was resurrected. He delivered her from devils and told her to go and sin no more and that is what she did.
Luk 8:27-28.
Devils know who Jesus Christ is. When you have Jesus Christ in you, the devils will see it.
The people of the town were afraid of the man with the demons. Once he was delivered from them, they were still afraid. They wanted Jesus to leave.
(Luke 8:29-35)
The man who was delivered of the demons wanted to follow Jesus. Jesus told him to stay telling him.
Luke 8:39.
If he had followed Jesus, there would have been no one there as a witness to what Jesus had done for him. We are more valuable when we preach to people about God.
When Jesus returned, the people were ready to see him and were waiting for him.
God has clothed us in our right mind and we should be getting people ready for the return of Jesus. It is our job to continue the work of the apostles.
After Jesus healed the man at the pool, it says in
John 5:14.
If you obey God’s commandments he is merciful but if you are disobedient, he is dangerous. God Bless.

Urich Baptist
The faithful gathered on this beautiful day to worship the Lord.
Clint Keeney rang the church bell. Mrs. Julia Klinefelter led in the congregational singing with Mrs. Dixie Collins playing piano. Randy Vogt and Clint Keeney collected the offering.
The scripture passage from interim Pastor Steve Sowell was from John 16:25-33. In this passage the Disciples finally understood that Jesus would be killed and then resurrected. Jesus told them these things so that they would have peace. He would give them strength through life’s tribulations. We too must abide in Jesus through prayer.
Each of us will go through tribulations, but in our faith and trust in Jesus He gives us the strength to endure. Have a blessed week.

Valley Center United
Valley Center is an open and affirming church and welcomes all to come and worship with us on Sunday morning at 9 am.
We send everyone an invitation to come to our annual Oktoberfest, which is on October 14th, with serving beginning at 3 pm. It promises to be a delicious evening!
We remember Christ’s death, we celebrate Christ’s resurrection and await Christ’s coming again. Today we joined other believers on this World Communion Day, in Holy Communion.
We send our love and prayers to Brent Billings and his family after the loss of his dear mother. We pray for Theresa Mahan’s nephew who was involved in an accident. We continue prayers for John Gover who is facing health issues. We pray for peace for all people. We continue to pray for the people of the Ukraine as they fight for all democracy.
Today’s message is one of love and grace. God stands in front of us to show us the way. He never goes back on his promises for you.
Unlike God, we make promises that we don’t keep. We all do things we don’t want to do and don’t do the things that we should. We wonder, why did we do or say that? Did we let others speak for us? Our reactions are often not as God would wants them to be. We think like people, not allowing our minds to be changed by God.
The message is, when the Holy Spirit comes to us, we change; our attitudes, responses and especially our hearts. We hold ourselves and others accountable and not be idol or silent on important things. These bold changes will make things clearer and help us do what needs to be done.