Church News


Calhoun UMC
Welcome to the Good News from Calhoun United Methodist. We ring the church bell at 9:45 to call the “flock” to 10:00 Worship. Contrary to rumors we are alive and well on the Southeast corner of the
Calhoun square. We are a smaller group dedicated to being the hands and feet of Jesus in our
We extend our sympathy and christen love to the family and friends of Gary Mc Keawn who passed into the arms of Jesus this week. Please remember those on our prayer list Patty Dump, Jean Dittmer, Mary George and sons, Robert Bond & wife, Lou Young, Iris Pinkston, Nancy Mountain, Peggy Eshelman,
Sonya Short, Millie Redding, Alma White, Carolina Lane and David Burson. We continue to pray for our military men and women and their families, as well as others in service jobs that we depend upon daily. We pray for guidance as we continue forward as a Christian fellowship on the square in Calhoun, Mo.
Joys to celebrate: Rev. Jackson Short was our speaker today. Special music this morning was “I Know Who Holds Tomorrow,” by Ms. Verna. The tree that fell on Hwy 52 last week near AC totaled two
vehicles before traffic could be stopped, by the grace of God no one was injured. Praise for the much
needed rain. Harvesters Food Drop was well attended Friday serving around 150 families.
Should you be looking for a new place to grow your faith come by for a visit. Coffee and a snack at 9:30 in the Welcome Room with worship at 10:00; come dressed as you are comfortable, bring the
youngsters and be prepared to receive a blessing for your effort. We are a Concerned and Praying
church should you find yourself in need of prayer we encourage you to join us any Sunday morning. We will be blessed by your presents.

Drakes Chapel UMC
In today’s world of ups and downs, heartaches and disappointments how are we doing about calling on Jesus? About asking him to take away all that holds us back. Pastor Margie’s message talked of how Jesus is always with us and we have but to be in conversation with him.
Jesus fed the 5,000 with two fish and one loaf of bread and then later came to the Disciples who were caught up in a storm where they saw our Lord walk on water. Pastor Margie reminded us that Jesus came to the
rescue of all those who were hungry and to save his Disciples who were in peril. He sees us and knows our hearts and troubles. With the whisper of a prayer, He will hear our pleas and cover us with his love.
We had many prayer requests today. We know Jesus knew of their needs long before we asked and will continue to lift those friends and family up in prayer.
We are excited to be planning a special event on September 10th • That Sunday is Grandparent’s Day and we will be celebrating by bringing our grandchildren to church. We have lots of proud grandparents anxious to show off their grandkids. We are looking forward to a fun day of worship. Whether you have grandchildren or just want to spoil someone else’s we hope you will join us.
The rainy days of summer will soon be in the rearview mirror. We are looking forward to a beautiful fall. We hope you will join us any Sunday in person or on Facebook Live at our new time 9:00 a.m. You can find us 5 miles east of Clinton off Hwy 52. Look for the sign on the highway.

First Baptist
On Sunday, Kristy Bateman recognized David Stocking (4 years), Kevin Griffey (22 years) and Kathy Wilson (23 years) for their faithful service at FBC Clinton. Then, following a powerful time of worship, Pastor Pat Findley delivered his tenth message of the summer sermon ‘Ears to Hear’ titled ‘Parable of the Resourceful Rascal’. Pastor Pat used Luke 16:1-15 to describe how we manage our stuff makes or breaks our Kingdom effectiveness in this life. In the parable from this passage, a rich man, a master, learns of the mishandling of his resources by the manager he has hired, the steward. Pastor Pat reminded us that God owns all things and that we are stewards of His blessings. After being told to account of his behavior, the steward in the parable called in all his master’s debtors and reduced the amounts they owed, in order to make friends before becoming unemployed. The master actually commended him for acting shrewdly and securing his future. Jesus reminds us to not look at those in the world with their handling of resources, but to look within at our own handling of resources. This parable has four applications:
1) Invest Generously in Eternity: We give to help people and we won’t know the true rewards until we are in Heaven.
2) Faithfulness with What You Have Shows You Can Be Trusted With More: We must even be faithful in the little things.
3) Stingy Stewardship Stunts Spiritual Growth: Faith leads to spiritual growth.
4) Your Spending Reveals What or Who You Worship: Jesus says ‘you cannot serve both God & money’.
The world says to walk by sight, but Jesus says to walk by faith. We are not saved by works, but only by faith. We must be good stewards of His blessings!
Celebrate Recovery is on Tuesday evenings, beginning at 5:30 p.m., for anyone with hurts, habits and hangups. GriefShare will resume on August 17th to provide help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend. Worship services are held on Sundays at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. For more information and upcoming events, please visit or find us on Facebook at ‘First Baptist Church – Clinton, MO’.
We invite those without a church home to join us in worship of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. First Baptist Church exists to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) by loving people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

First Presbyterian
As children of God, blessings have been poured out in abundance to us so that we may use them to help others. God will walk with us and guide our steps as we reach out in compassion, mercy and justice to others in need. We are called to focus our lives on living as God would have us live so step out in faith. Look around and see where God wants you to work. The summer series “Faith on Films” continued with the message this week Wizard of Oz. Rev. Nancy Gillard used Psalm 90:1 as her scripture text. Our anthem was “Be Known to Us in Breaking Bread”.
Core Values, a youth bible study, began Sunday, August 6th and will run a total of 5 weeks. Youth ages 4th - 7th grades are invited to come. The fruits of the spirit are being studied and activities, dinner and songs will be included each week. For more information contact the church office at 660-885-5181.
A new mission project has started sponsored by the Presbyterian Women. We will be collecting items for the Missouri Reading & Writing Packs. Items included are school supplies which will be distributed to students later in the school year. Now is a great time to make your purchases. Toss a few into your shopping cart and make your contribution to this mission effort. A display is available for viewing in the foyer along with a list of needed items.
Tai Chi classes meet each Monday and Wednesday at 10:00 am. Tai Chi helps strengthen your core and improve balance. Consider joining.
Summer is slipping by quickly and it will soon be time for the kids to be back in school. It may be getting too late for family vacations but it is never too late to come worship with us. You will find a friendly group of people waiting to make you feel welcome. If in person worship is not an option watch the broadcasts available online at our website: or Facebook First Presbyterian Clinton MO. Stay updated on the happenings at First Presbyterian by visiting our website. Our monthly newsletter, pictures and other interesting items about the church can be found there.

Mt. Calvary Apostolic Pentecostal
“To Avoid the Wrath of God”
People tend to take advantage of God. When you know what God can do you have more faith in him. There is more to it than that. In Verse 6 of Joshua chapter 7, Joshua went into prayer because they went out to battle but were defeated.
We have to be careful when we talk to sinners about God’s mercy. We can’t include sinners with Christians. Sinners do not follow the word of God or his commandments. They will just go back and continue in the sin they are in.
Joshua was following the commandments of God, but others in the camp weren’t.
Jos 7:8, Jos 7:10.
We cannot straddle the fence. How can God do something for sinners when they aren’t following God?
God let Joshua know that someone had sinned in the camp.
Jos 7:12-13. Jos 7:20.
The Lord had Achan and all his household stoned.
(Joshua 7:19-26)
When Moses trespassed against the people he did not sanctify God. He did something God told him not to do.
Deu 32:51-52.
When we do things that upset God it will bring his wrath and that is not good.
In Numbers 16:49 God was going to destroy the congregation.
Korah and some men stood against Moses and Aaron. Moses told them that he was sent by God. But if the ground would open her mouth, then they would know.
Num 16:31-33. Num 16:35.
After the people saw what happened to Korah and the others, they spike agaist Moses.
Num 16:41.
Moses told Aaron to quickly go and make atonement for the people before the wrath of God cane down upon then. God is not to be played with. (Num 16:45-46)
It says in Rom 10:13, For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Rom 10:14.
If people go on their own without hearing God’s word, they are preaching their own words instead of God’s word. We have to be careful with God that we do not feel his wrath. God Bless.

Mt. Zion UMC
Trinity, Rockville, and Mt. Zion United Methodist Churches had messages this week entitled ‘Reaching For Jesus’, that flowed from scriptures relating to Christ walking on the water.
Specifically, we learned about the importance of never taking our eyes off Jesus in the midst of life’s storms, in Matthew 14:22-33. Jesus had labored all day and went into the mountains to pray alone. He sent his apostles out onto the Sea of Galilee. Then suddenly a great storm arose, causing much fear among the men. Christ came down from his time of respite and walked out upon the water. Terrified, the apostles called out to him, and Simon Peter asked to walk out to meet Christ. As he walked upon the water, fear overcame him upon seeing the great waves. He sank down into the sea, but stretching out his hand and crying to Jesus for help, Christ came to his rescue.
This scripture teaches us an invaluable lesson. When we are in the midst of terrible storms that life brings upon us, never take our eyes off Jesus. And, if we find ourselves sinking down into the turbulent waters of fear, despair, or grief, call out to Jesus, he will rescue us from the any storm of life. Jesus meets us where we are in any situation. We hope that you will come and worship with us! See you soon!

Trinity Lutheran
Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Mathew 28:18.
“No Creed but Jesus.” This is a common expression among millions of Christians today. It is meant to promote the idea that churches don’t matter. Doctrines don’t matter. Everyone can believe whatever they want to believe. Just believe in Jesus. That’s enough. Someone doesn’t believe in original sin or baptismal regeneration? No problem. Someone believes a person cooperates in their salvation, rather than it being God’s work alone? No problem. The list goes on and on and on…
Lutherans all accept the doctrines of the Lutheran Church. They are specific and written down for all to see and understand. There is no ambiguity. They are not optional. All Lutherans believe all human beings are born sinful and separated from God. All Lutherans believe God alone works through Word and Sacrament to create and sustain faith in everyone who believes
Where are these gifts of God most commonly found? In churches where the Word of God is proclaimed, the Law and Gospel are preached, and the Sacraments of Baptism and The Lord’s Supper are celebrated.
Come to church this Sunday. God the Holy Spirit has promised to meet you there in spirit and truth and teach all who hear, as Jesus commanded us to do.
Divine Service: 1 pm; Church phone 660-885-4728.

Valley Center United
All I have needed, your hand has provided, Great is thy faithfulness! We are an open and affirming church that welcomes all to come and worship with us on Sunday morning.
We send Happy 16th Birthday wishes to our dear Emily Neuenschwander! Happy 53rd Anniversary to Ted and Cindy McDaniel.
We send our prayers to the people of Maui Hawaii after the devastating fires which destroyed homes and caused many deaths. Many of our United Church of Christ sister Churches on the island were also lost.
We pray for this nation, our world and all of the people. We pray for unity, fairness and justice for all. We pray for several members of our church who are having many health issues.
Jesus is an amazing presence in our lives and a reflection of courage, wisdom and everything that is beautiful. We get a sense of his perfection with our own Salvation and being made whole.
The Bible tells us that Simon Peter witnessed Jesus walking on water. But when Simon Peter began walking on the water towards Jesus, the wind came up and fear set in; he began to sink. He cried to be saved. Jesus said, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”. Jesus walked out to save him.
Many times we fall short of what we expect of ourselves. We often endure sorrow and pain. We let our fear stop us from being who God wants us to be and to live a life of faith. Too often we do not listen and believe in Jesus’ powerful promises.
But the good news is that Jesus knows and understands that we are not perfect. Just as he did for Simon Peter, Jesus walks to us with open arms and offers his unconditional love, salvation and forgiveness to us.
He came to save us all.