Church News


First Baptist
Pastor Randy Shipman welcomed the congregation & those who were visiting. Deacon of the week Tom Dehn, offered the opening prayer for both morning services. The Scripture reading for the morning was Luke 10:25-37 & Psalm 82. Worship continued with Kevin Griffey, leading the music. In the message Pastor Randy used 1 Corinthians 12: 1-3 to remind us that a spiritual follower of Jesus gives us everything we need to become a spiritual person & a committed follower of Jesus Christ.
Pastor Randy recognized and congratulated Roy & Wanda Batschelett as they celebrate their 30th Wedding Anniversary.
Parents, don't forget to enroll your children for Vacation Bible School to be held at the Vansant Road location from 6:PM -8:30 PM. This will be a fun-filled event for all children who attend.
The Vacation Bible School is for 3 thru 6 year old children and will be on July 17 thru the 22.
The Global Leadership Summit will be held August 4-5. Parents, please telephone the church office for more information on any of these activities.
Families are invited to FBC for Celebrate Recovery every Tuesday evening beginning with a free meal at 5:30 PM, followed by the meeting of the Large Group at 6:30 PM & Small Groups meet at 7:30 PM. Celebrate Recovery is a Christ Centered 12 step program that provides people the resources & relationships to help recover from lives, hurts, habits & hangups.
For the homebound worship services can be heard on KDKD @95.3@ 10:00 AM Sunday
Morning. For more information on the activities of the church please telephone the church office @660-885-2211 or visit our website <>
We also invite those in the Clinton area who don't have a church home to join us in worship of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. First Baptist Church exist to fulfilthe Great
Commission(Matthew 28: 19-20) by loving people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
First Presbyterian
Looking for the quiet in a crowded busy life? Clear the chaos and look to Jesus where you will find the salvation for your soul. In the absence of our pastor, we were blessed to have Rev. Dr. David Maggi bring the message Akey’s Better Way. His scriptural text was 11 Kings 6: 15-23. The anthem this week was “Praise Him! Praise Him!”.
Are you in need of a place to cool off during this oppressive heat? First Presbyterian Church is serving the community as a Cooling Center. If there is a heat advisory, the church will be open to anyone needing a cool space to escape the heat. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 1:00 – 5:00 pm. A light lunch is provided.
Supplies of materials to make personal hygiene items for the “Little Girls in Africa” Project are available in the church foyer. Your help is appreciated in the completion of this project.
Jesus Camp is rapidly approaching. Be sure to sign up the kids. Jesus Camp will be held at our facility July 18 – 22. To register go on Heartland’s website:
Tai Chi classes are held here Monday mornings at 10:00 am and 11:00 am in the fellowship hall and Wednesday’s at 10:00 am only. The classes last for approximately one hour and are open to the public. Come join in the fun.
Weekly ZOOM Bible Study is Wednesday at 11:30 am. Please contact the church office and the link will be sent to you if you are interested in participating. Rev. Nancy guides this weekly study.
You are invited to join us in worship each week. If unable to attend in person, please find us online at: You tube Nancy Gillard, or Facebook First Presbyterian Clinton MO. Sunday sermons, worshipful music, church updates and prayer times are available there. Our Sunday service is also broadcast on FM radio 87.9 at 10:30 am.
Golden Valley Christian
Have you ever bartered with God? That is, to ask God to do something for you, in exchange for doing something for Him? More than one person who has done that, including an example in the Bible of a man doing that very thing. Bartering with God is not a good choice, and a man named Jephthah found out the hard way. Jephthah was the leader of a group fighting the Ammonites. He made a vow to God that if God would give the Ammonites to Jephthah and his men, Jephthah, in turn, would sacrifice whatever came out of his house to meet him, upon his return home. Sadly, the first thing to come out of his house was his daughter, his only child (Judges 11:30-35). We need to do God’s will because of our desire to obey and please Him, not in exchange for something we want. We will be blessed by God because He knows our needs.
If you do any cooking, you know that salt is a valuable staple in our meals. It is also a preservative and is used in many medicinal ways. Even pharmaceutical manufacturers have need for this compound. Jesus knew the importance of salt and its usefulness, using it in His Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5:13-16). Bro James focused on these passages in his message last Sunday, pointing out some of the major benefits from salt. Jesus said His followers are the salt of the earth. When salt diminishes, it is no longer useful. This analogy tells Christians to continue to stand firm and help others believe. Jesus also said His followers are the light of the world. Light is essential for all life. Jesus tells us we must not hide our light, but let it shine brightly for others to see. It is up to us to spread the “Good News!”
Golden Valley Christian Church meets at 611 South Third Street in Clinton. Sunday School classes begin at 9:30 AM, and the morning worship service is at 10:30. Our Wednesday evening Bible study is suspended for the summer. Our minister is James McFarland (office phone # 660-890-0252), and our website is, where you will also find a link to access our Facebook page. We are happy to invite you to attend our services, where you will always receive a warm welcome.
Mt. Calvary
Apostolic Pentecostal
“Have You Said Yes To Jesus?”
Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. (KJV)
Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. (KJV)
Philippians 4:8-9 (KJV)
Did you or have you said yes, to Jesus? When you say yes to him, he means every area of your life is for him. He shines a light on us when we go through trials. He knows the intent of our heart.
All he wants is for us to keep trusting him. God knows what he is doing and he knows we get scared and feel weak at times. God brought us out of the muck and mire and put us on straight street. All you have to do is live right. This “straight” street is easier than “strait” gate. That is hard to make it through, but it can be done.
He will calm you as you go through the trials. It is like marinating you, seasoning you to be that man and that woman he wants you to be. Take a bite into the word of God and stand on it. If you do this you will be able to stand up and say you feel like going on no matter what you are going through.
As he keeps you, you will make it through.
Whatever state we are in there is a contentment first to rest in Jesus.
Isa 35:8-10 (KJV)
There is either heaven or hell. Hell is real though there are many people who don’t believe it exist. Jesus is coming back for a redeemed people who walk upright.
If you walk as God wants you to and live right, allowing him to have his way, you can make it through that “Strait Gate”.
Remember who the lover of your soul is, because the devil will have you thinking that we have a long stretch down here. That stretch isn’t as long as he would have you believe.
You can’t make it half way then pass the Baton to your parents or someone else. Each one of us will stand before God. No matter who you are, no matter how old or how young you are. We each will stand before him one day.
You have to get his word in your heart. All we can do is tell people and live right. Do what the word of God says. You have to repent of sins. There is not three or four gods out there, no matter who wants to claim them. There is only one true God and he is a spirit who breathed the breath of life into man.
When you hear stuff out there know who you are listening to. Get God’s word in your heart for yourself. The only time the gospel is hidden is because those who are lost refuse to listen or accept God. They don’t want to know him. They have freedom to choose, he gives that to us.
We try to encourage people because God loves us. He wants us to belong to him, serve him. He will gladly take your burdens upon himself and give you joy.
We must stand on the word of God and allow Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. Choose to serve God til the day you die. Train up your children to serve him, let them see you serving him and living right.
Say yes, to the one and only true God.
God Bless.
Urich Baptist
Joyfully we gathered to worship the Lord. Clint Keeney rang the church bell. Mrs. Julia Klinefelter led in the congregational singing with Mrs. Dixie Collins playing piano. Gary Vass and Clint Keeney collected the offering.
The scripture passage from Pastor chad Pollett's sermon was from Titus3:3-7. Every person sins and are slaves to our own pleasures and passions. But with our faith in His sacrificial death and resurrection we are promised eternal life. God saved us by washing our sins away with His love, kindness, grace, and mercy. This special gift should cause us to humbly reflect everyday what He has done for us and rejoice and be thankful. Have a great week.
Valley Center United
What a beautiful day to come to the brow of the hill and worship together!
We were reminded that there is a great need for food and money for our local food bank. Valley Center continues to support this important place that so many rely on daily.
We send our prayers of love and healing to Art and Judy Neuenschwander, Kim Mezsaros, Gale Kalberloh, Jim Switzer, Curtis Wilkens, Logan Sommer and Dane's good friend Greg.
Happy birthday to Donna Kalberloh Hughes!
Plans continue for our 150th celebration of the founding of our church in 1872. We are proud of our church's history and of our church now. Today, many of our member's family names are the same as they were in the beginning. But we are very proud to have so many others over the years join us as our family!
Our message today told the story about a lawyer who approached Jesus and asked, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus responded with a question, "What do you read in the law?" And the man answers, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus agrees saying, "Yes, do this, and you will live." But the lawyer continued asking Jesus another question, "And who is my neighbor?" Jesus answers simply by telling the story of the Good Samaritan. It is a parable of great importance to all people; people of faith or not. The story is about three men who were walking down a road and saw a man in need. Only one had stopped to help, the other two looked the other way. The one who went out of his way to show kindness and mercy, acted as a neighbor.
A part of having faith is that we allow ourselves to ask questions. Just as in Jesus' time, we ask what must we do to inherit eternal life, and the answer is the same, love your Lord with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. We may ask just who is our neighbor? The story of the Good Samaritan again sums it up perfectly. Helping and showing mercy for those who are in need, our neighbors, and not looking the other way. We are to make sure that our doors are open for anyone wanting to come in. Kindness and humility for others remind us that we are followers of Jesus.
A prerequisite to loving thy neighbor is how God showed his love for us by sending his only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life. That is real love.