Church News


Calhoun UMC
Welcome to the Good News from Calhoun United Methodist. We are pleased to gather in fellowship and love, to praise the Lord with church family and guests. We ring the church bell at 9:45 to calf the
“flock” to 10:00 Worship. Our service is live-streamed for face book.
Our prayer list this week includes Kyle Houts, Kay Brooks, Jimmie Paul, Debbie Joy, Sharon Scott, Cory Miller, Billie Vanslyke, Pat Myers, Macayla Lowe and baby, Bob Burson and family and Dave Burson. We continue to pray for those suffering in Ukraine and those who are trying to get them relief. We pray for our church families, for our great country and its leaders, for our men and women in service.
Joys to celebrate: Special music today “The Old Rugged Cross,” by Alan Jackson on C.D. The spring like weather continues to be a blessing and has some starting to plant Lettuce and radishes. Next Friday March 10th will be Harvesters Food Drop at Calhoun. Volunteers are encouraged to come help pass out the food. We appreciate those volunteers who regularly show up to help. This important service could not be accomplished without you. Don’t forget Daylight Savings Time starts next Sunday March 12th so be prepared to set up those clocks Saturday night.
We welcome visitors any Sunday morning for worship, come dressed as you are comfortable, bring the youngsters and be prepared to receive a blessing for your effort. We will be blessed by your presents.

First Baptist
Meet your Maker! In Exodus 3, while Moses was in Midian, God did three things. God appeared to Moses, calling him by name. God assigned Moses an important rescue mission. When Moses questioned his own ability, God assured him that He would be with Moses. God is simply looking for people who are willing to take Him at His word. When faced with a God-sized task, what would encourage you? God says, “I will be with you.” Faith is adjusting your life to something God says without even seeing it yet.
For those who have experienced grief or mourning, GriefShare is held on Thursdays from 6-8 pm at FBC’s Vansant location. Celebrate Recovery is on Tuesday evening, beginning at 5:30 p.m. at 1531 N. Vansant, for anyone with hurts, habits and hangups. Henry County Rescue Mission offers dinner on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. at the downtown location, 209 E Jefferson. Worship services are held at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. every Sunday, with Sunday School beginning at 9:45 a.m. For more information, please contact the church office at 660-885-2211.
We invite those without a church home to join us in worship of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. First Baptist Church exists to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) by loving people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

First Presbyterian
When we place our trust in God and follow his ways, a new life is given to us. We are blessed with a fullness that is more that we ever thought possible. Trust God with your much or little, and see him bless it and use it in a way you didn’t think possible. Our handchimes choir delivered a beautiful rendition of the old hymn “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”. Rev. Nancy Gillard titled her message Everybody Needs a Nightlight.using John 3: 1-17 as her text.
The Presbyterian Women met Friday, March 3 in Fellowship Hall for their study “Celebrating Sabbath, Accepting God’s Gift of Rest and Delight”. These ambitious ladies are the driving force behind our many mission projects throughout the year. Consider joining this group of active, mission oriented women.
Several on going mission projects keep us involved in our community and world. To date a total of 97 colorful jump ropes have been hand braided and brighten up our foyer. 350 personal hygiene products have been completed for the “Girls in Africa” project. Over 301 toothbrushes in all colors and sizes have been donated and delivered to the Samaritan Center. Thank you to everyone who donated to this collection.
Lent Event began Wednesday, February 22 and continues every Wednesday throughout the month of March. Come at 5:30 pm and join us as we dive into the Bible Study He Chose the Nails by Max Lucado. Plan on attending.
Tai Chi classes are held here each Monday at 10:00 and 11:00 am and Wednesday at 10:00 am. Tai Chi helps strengthen your core and improve balance. Consider joining.
Come worship with us. You will be warmly welcomed. Stay updated on the happenings at First Presbyterian by visiting our website If in person worship is not an option please catch the broadcasts available online at our website or Facebook First Presbyterian Clinton MO.

Mt. Calvary Apostolic Pentecostal
“We Are in the Hands of God, for God is Our Maker”
Scriptures: Jeremiah 18:1-6, Isaiah 64:8, Romans 9:20-23, Isaiah 45:9-23
Jer 18:1-6. The word which came to Jeremiah from the LORD, saying, Arise, and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words. Then I went down to the potter’s house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels. And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it. Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying, O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel. (KJV)
The potter has a process in the making of vessels from clay. If the clay has a flaw, he must start over.
He mixes clay with water to remove stones, thereby producing a finer grade of clay. Straw and shells are added to strength the clay.
Once the clay is to his liking, he has the choice of dying it in the sun. Which will allow it to hold dry goods or flowers. Or he can put it through the fire. This process, when completed, allows the vessel to hold water.
Food for thought; when we are baptized, it removes things from us.
It tells us in Isaiah 64:8: But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand. (KJV)
God showed Jeremiah the potter making his clay vessels, so he would understand God’s message to the people.
The vessel by the potter. He completed the process by adding ingredients to strengthen it, then fired it to get the result he wanted. As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are we in the hands of God. He shapes us and molds us.
For the clay to hold up, it has to go through the firing process. God takes us through the firing process to strengthen us, so we can stand against the bad that exist around us.
The fire we go through is the trials and tribulations that come. If we can withstand that fire, we will come out stronger.
Christians who don’t go through the fire are not strong enough to endure what comes at them. When trials come, they are ready to give up.
The Apostle Paul was more than willing to keep the thorn in his side if it meant he would be strong in the Lord.
God is our maker. If he can create heaven, and earth, he has the power to change us. It is up to us to stand, endure the heat and go through the fire. We will come out of it stronger. God Bless.

Mt. Zion UMC
Pastor David’s message, “Blessings Unknown” was referenced with an Old Testament reading from Genesis 12:1-4a, and a Gospel reading from John 3:1-17.
Lent is our most solemn season of the Christian year—it is a time of preparation for new life and spiritual transformation. It is a time when we ask ourselves how we can grow spiritually. It is a time for fasting, new prayer practices, and growing in righteousness. Our Scriptures this morning highlight the point that “when you get involved with God, God gets involved with you.” God cannot give us blessings for a bountiful spiritual harvest if we do not sow spiritual seeds.
God told Abram “I will give you a blessing”. Abram trusted in God and in doing so he was sowing spiritual seed. God blessed Abram and created a whole nation from this one man and it is through the faith of Abram that God blessed us with the gift of Jesus. What a blessing that was—Jesus’ ministry—crucifixion—atonement—resurrection and ascention.
Like the Pharisee Nicodemus, many do not understand the things of heaven. Nicodemus couldn’t be justified by the law just as we cannot be justified by the things we do. We must take the first step toward God, accepting the waters of baptism, confess Christ Jesus as our redeemer and have faith in His good work upon the cross. Because God loves you more than anything—like Abram—God wants to bless you.
So, in this special time of year, look for what blessings God wants to give. Seek the will of the Holy Spirit—search for those blessings unknown. Sow the spiritual seed you hope to harvest in the Easter season. Amen!

Trinity Lutheran
…And then I will declare to them, I never knew you… (Matt. 7:23).
When was the last time you attended a traditional wedding in a Christian church? Can’t remember? When was the last time you attended a Christian funeral in a church building? Can’t remember? When was the last time you attended a Sunday church service? Can’t remember?
You’re not alone. On any given Sunday, most Americans, including those who claim to be believers, are everywhere but church. How can this be?
America is a secular nation, and getting more secular every day.
Just one example: There are millions and millions of people on social media who claim to love Jesus, but have little regard for His church. These folks love to post statements like, “Christianity is not a religion. It’s a relationship.” Or, “A person doesn’t have to go to church to be a Christian.”
The fact is, a person who is a believer in Jesus will want to go to church. A Christian who doesn’t attend church is like a fish who doesn’t like water. It makes no sense.
Why wouldn’t a person who claims to be a Christian not attend church? After all, it’s the church where the Holy Spirit promises to work faith in all people, through the preaching of the gospel and the sacraments of Holy Baptism and The Lord’s Supper.
No, the Christian church is not the enemy. It is the Bride of Christ. Membership in a Christian church should not be scorned; it should be embraced and considered a high honor. Come to church this Sunday. The triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is patiently waiting for you there.
Fifteen hungry Henry County men and women were once again served a
hot meal on February 23rd. Trinity members Chuck Koch, Irene Komer, Rachel Peuster, Tim Knoernschild, Phil and Hope Seider, and Nolan Rathert ministered to and fed those who came to The Henry County Rescue Mission dinner for physical and spiritual food. On the menu were spaghetti with meat sauce, green salad, garlic bread, Rachel’s delicious cakes, music, and a devotion.
We will once again serve on Thursday, March 23. If you would be willing
to help or have questions, text, or call Hope Seider at 660-525-2193.
Divine Service 5 pm; Sunday School 3:45 pm; Ch. ph. 660-885-4728.

Urich Baptist
The warm weather warmed our hearts as we gathered to worship the Lord. Pastor Chad rang the church bell. Mrs. Julia Klinefelter led in the congregational singing with Mrs. Dixie Collins playing piano. We rejoiced with Lonny Bramell on his birthday. Randy Vogt and Clint Keeney collected the offering.
The scripture passage from Pastor Chad Pollet’s sermon was from John 6:35-59. The crowd had followed Jesus to Capernaum an wanted to be fed again. He told the crowd He was the Bread of Life but they didn’t comprehend the meaning. The true Bread of Life is the relationship we have with Jesus Christ. He is the only one who cleanses us of sin so we can be spiritually clean. Bless someone this week.

Valley Center United
I was glad when they said to me, let us go to the house of the Lord, in the name of the Father, and the Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.
What a beautiful day today to come to worship at our church on the brow of the hill. The surrounding prairie is beginning to show signs of springtime.
We send happy birthday greetings to Zac Maggi! We send our prayers to Dane’s friend Craig. We continue our prayers of love and healing for our members who will be having surgery soon and members who are recovering from recent surgeries.
Today Rev. Dane and John Gover shared a beautiful hymn, “Come Now Fount of Every Blessing” with everyone. Madison and Macey Hughes lit the altar candles to begin our worship services.
If you saw God today, what would he look like? Would it be a man with a beard, or a gentle breeze or maybe a flower rising out of the ground? Would it be the image of Jesus that we pre-conceived early in our lives, or would it be a different image, a transfiguration?
When Peter, James and John went up on the mountain, something miraculous happened, Jesus changed. Their own vision which they always had of him also changed. Jesus was nothing like they imagined. It was an extraordinary transfiguration. When they saw him, they were then able to understand the empowerment and holiness that came along with seeing Jesus.
Our own transfiguration comes with the vision and belief who Jesus really is.
When we are in need of some inspiration and looking for some answers, we can go on that same journey to that top of the mountain to see the apparitions of Jesus, just as Peter, James and John did. Jesus will reveal his true essence to those on this journey. They will then lay eyes on the very presence of the living God in this world.
Give us strength to call on Jesus to find the peace that passes all understanding, in His Holy name we pray, Amen.