The Windsor Senior Center and Clinton Senior Center are holding a Penny War Fundraiser between August 1st and August 31st to help raise crucial funds for programs and services benefiting older adults in Henry County.
Participants are encouraged to contribute to their center of choice by placing donations in designated collection jugs located at the Windsor Senior Center (201 S. Main, Windsor) and the Clinton Senior Center (970 E. Sedalia, Clinton). Points are added when pennies and dollar bills are added to the jar, or points can be subtracted with the donation of nickels, dimes, and quarters.
“We think that a little friendly competition between the Henry County centers will be a great way to raise a money for our home-delivered meals and the other services we provide, while engaging the community in a fun and meaningful way.”” said Carla Campbell, Windsor Senior Center Coordinator. “We can’t wait to see which center comes out on top!”
The winner of the Penny War will be announced on September 3rd, with all proceeds directly benefiting the respective senior centers’ programs. For more information on how to participate or support this initiative, please contact the Windsor Senior Center at 660-647-3224 or the Clinton Senior Center at 660-885-3482.
Care Connection for Aging Services, a non-profit area agency on aging, operates 21 locations in 13 West Central Missouri counties, including Henry County. The mission is to provide opportunities to create positive aging experiences. To learn more, call Care Connection at 1-800-748-7826.