Printer's Devil


“How much does this glass of water weigh?” the man asked the class. I was watching a short video that I did not know the content of as there was no description. But, I am glad I did: “Eight ounces?” answered one student. “No,” he said, and shook his head when another student gave the answer of twelve ounces.
“It isn't really about how much water is in the glass,” he told them. “But if I hold the glass for only a moment or two and set it down, then it doesn't matter. But if I hold it for an hour, my arm starts to hurt. If I tried to hold it all day my arm would go numb.” The class looked at him starting to understand: stress has an affect on a person – and not just the mind. Like holding that glass of water too long, we, too, can hold on to negative thoughts, events, or problems to the point of it getting “too heavy.” It was a great example of how worry and stress can negatively affect a person in life.
Some people seem to have that magical ability to cope with stress. I imagine, though, they have a system of “putting the glass of water down.” They never hold on to it too long. They may lift it up again later, but they don't hold on to it so long it hurts. Winston Churchill had this problem. In World War II he got so stressed it made him physically ill: “The mind is like a vice,” he said. “You have to tease it and give it something else to latch on to.” [Paraphrased]. Churchill's solution was to paint – and it worked for him (although I am not so sure he was all that great of a painter).
I suppose that all change is stressful. It was pointed out to me once that I should wear my watch on my other hand, “I don't think so,” I said – knowing that it would drive me nuts if I switched it up. “See,” he told me. “Even though it isn't a “bad” thing to put your watch on a different hand, it is still stressful.” Good point.
Heading into the holidays – a change in season – is stressful. But remember: don't hold that glass of water too long. Put it down for a bit and enjoy the moments that are important. And, have a happy Thanksgiving, folks!