Clinton: The Cardinals had four Cross Country athletes qualify for the State Meet at Gans Creek on Saturday, Nov. 6 in Columbia. They were: Senior Gage Mantonya, Freshmen Vyla Brown, Leah Kenney and Alexa McCartney. The starts at the State meet are staggered with each Class (division) starting one hour apart. Each division has approximately 180 of the best runners in the State at the starting line. It is a sporting event and also quite a spectacle to watch. The Clinton Administration showing their pride had a “Marching of the Halls” to honor the State runners. The school also had a special ‘send off’ which included a pep bus. Cross Country Coach Nathan Johnson had these remarks, ”Today was an incredible day at the State XC Championships. It was amazing to send these hard working athletes to the top meet of the year. They worked so hard and ran with so much passion, they gave every ounce of energy they had to make sure they represented the community with pride. I am so proud to be their coach this year and I loved coaching them. Next up in the Spring we will have Track season. Plan on seeing several make it to the state championships.” Go Cards.
Placing: Gage Mantonya placed 153rd with 19:25, Vyla Brown placed 47th with 21:02, Leah Kenney placed 91st with 21:57, Alexa McCartney hurt her ankle and wasn’t able to finish.
Montrose: The Blue Jays also take pride in their XC runners. They were represented by Bailey Carter at the State Meet. He finished 66th in Class 1 with a time of 18:51. Montrose is coached by George Moore. Go Jays.
Sherwood: The Marksmen sent Britten Wood 49/18:00, Conner Bailey 74/18:25, Alex Clippard 101/18:48 and Tanner Winnet 157/20:56. Their boys team placed 14th. One Lady Marksmen qualified, Josey Arthurs 54/22:06. They are coached by Ryan Dickson. Go Marksmen.