Henry County Commission


April 14
The Henry County Commission met pursuant to adjournment at the courthouse in Clinton, Missouri.
Those members present were: Jim Stone- Presiding Commissioner, Rick Fosnow-North District Commissioner, Dale Lawler-South District Commissioner, Rick Watson - County Clerk
At 9:25 a.m. Commissioner Stone brought the meeting to order.
The minutes from the Tuesday, April 12th, 2022 meeting was read, Commissioner Lawler made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Fosnow seconded the motion, motion carried.
Expenditures from the following were approved to be paid: 27th Circuit Treatment Court, Road and Bridge, Court Administration, County Clerk, Capital Schools, Buildings and Grounds
At 10:00, the Commission conducted a bid opening for bridge beams. The Commission received 2 bids, the first, from Viebrock Sales, of Sedalia, came to $20,275.20, the second, from Evans Pipe and Steel, came to $27,200.00. After discussion, Commissioner Fosnow made a motion to award the bid to Viebrock, Commissioner Lawler seconded the motion. The motion passed with a roll call vote of Fosnow – yes, Lawler – yes, and Stone – yes.
Dennis Bowers, Road and Bridge Supervisor shared that the Road and Bridge crew should begin the replacement of the bridge on SW 801 Rd next Monday. The NE 651 Rd bridge is now complete. He also shared that the crew has been burying many culverts.
The Addons and Abatements from the Assessor’s Office for the month of March was reviewed and approved, as well as the Collector’s report.
Susan Jones Hard, of the University Extension, shared details of the Clinical Engineering Online Certification Program, as well as the Legal Consultation for Veterans Program from the University of Missouri.
Commissioners adjourned at 12:00 p.m.
April 19
The Henry County Commission met pursuant to adjournment at the courthouse in Clinton, Missouri.
Those members present were: Jim Stone- Presiding Commissioner, Rick Fosnow-North District Commissioner, Dale Lawler-South District Commissioner, Rick Watson - County Clerk
At 8:59 a.m. Commissioner Stone brought the meeting to order.
The minutes from the Thursday, April 14th, 2022 meeting was read, Commissioner Fosnow made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Lawler seconded the motion, motion carried.
Expenditures from the following were approved to be paid: Road and Bridge, Buildings and Grounds, Elections, General County Government, Prosecuting Attorney, Emergency Management, Law Enforcement Fund, Gen Rev (LEF), Assessor, Senior Citizens Service Tax Fund, County Payroll, Deputy Sup Salary Fund
Bruce Dewsberry shared of the recent Senior Citizens Service Tax Board meeting. The Windsor Senior Center’s roof repair is nearly complete. The board’s foot care clinic sponsorship is ongoing from Golden Valley Memorial Hospital.
Bruce shared that the Local Emergency Planning Commission was to have a table exercise last Thursday, but postponed it to this Thursday. There was discussion on a flow study.
Mark Alford, candidate for Congress, visited with the Commission.
Kenny Ragland shared his support for the Commission for not supporting the local animal shelter as he disagrees with the shelters care for life policy. He supports euthanizing unwanted animals after a time period, and not the care for life position of the Clinton Animal Shelter.
At 10:00 the Commission met with Ben Trout and Rick Nicholson, of EPM, to get an update on the HVAC monitoring system that was purchased in 2020. Ben shared that the system has saved nearly $57,000 during the past year.
An abstract of fees from the Sheriff’s Office for the month of March was reviewed and approved.
Dennis Bowers, Road and Bridge Supervisor met with the Commission to discuss a bridge failure in Bethlehem Township that had to be repaired. The bridge had 12” of rock on its deck. There was also discussion regarding the replacement of a bridge on SW 351 Rd in Fairview Township vs installing culverts. Also discussed was a 91’ bridge on SW 100 Rd in Clinton Township, as it may need to be contracted out due to its size. Dennis shared that all the soft match eligible bridges have been submitted and awaiting MoDot’s auditors review.
The Commission reviewed Intergovernmental Agreements between the county and the cities of Montrose and Deepwater for ARPA Funding. After discussion, Commissioner Fosnow made a motion to sign the agreement with the city of Deepwater for $3,075.00 of the county’s ARPA funding, Commissioner Lawler seconded the motion. The motion passed with a roll call vote of Fosnow – yes, Lawler – yes, and Stone – yes. Commissioner Lawler made a motion to sign the agreement with Montrose for $35,500.00 of the county’s ARPA Funding, Commissioner Fosnow seconded the motion. The motion passed with a roll call vote of Fosnow – yes, Lawler – yes, and Stone – yes.
The Commission called both the city of Deepwater and Montrose to discuss the ARPA support.
Commissioners adjourned at 12:00 p.m.
April 21
The Henry County Commission met pursuant to adjournment at the courthouse in Clinton, Missouri.
Those members present were: Jim Stone- Presiding Commissioner, Rick Fosnow-North District Commissioner, Dale Lawler-South District Commissioner, Rick Watson - County Clerk
At 9:00 a.m. Commissioner Stone brought the meeting to order.
The minutes from the Tuesday, April 19th, 2022 meeting was read, Commissioner Fosnow made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Lawler seconded the motion, motion carried.
Scott Largent, Assessor, brought in requested maps indicating the location of Ranger Power’s proposed solar farm in Davis and Walker Townships, near adjacent to the former KCPL Power Plant.
Expenditures from the following were approved to be paid: Prosecuting Attorney Training Fund, Employee Benefits, Court Administration, Sheriff’s Revolving Fund, General County Government, Victim Advocate, Senior Citizens Service Tax Fund, ARPA Fund, LE Training Fund, Prosecuting Attorney, Law Enforcement Fund, Inmate Security, Sheriff’s Civil Fund
Dennis Bowers shared that the bridge on SW 801 Rd, in Bear Creek Township is nearly complete. He also shared of some material he needs to purchase. The bridge beams have been delivered. Permitting for the replacement on the next bridge will be complete just in time to begin next week. There was discussion on unneeded equipment that will be listed on Purplewave.com.
The group discussed economic development.
The Commission reviewed a request from the City of Calhoun, for $39,414.50, from the county’s ARPA Fund. The request is half of the needed funding needed to purchase a new generator and building to store it for the city’s water system. After review, Commissioner Fosnow made a motion to fund the request, Commissioner Lawler seconded the motion. The motion passed with a roll call vote of Fosnow – yes, Lawler – yes, and Stone – yes.
The Commission reviewed a request from the City of Urich for $180,000.00, from the county’s ARPA Fund. The request is to replace a pump and reline their sewer pipe system. They also reviewed a request from the City of Windsor, for $300,000.00, from the county’s ARPA Fund. The request is for support of the city’s Inflow and Infiltration project. They also reviewed Windsor’s request of $251,444.00, to expand broadband in the city. No action was taken.
Clerk Rick presented population data, from the 2020 Census, to the Commission. The data indicates that the South Commissioner District is currently representing a population of 12,692, vs the North District Commissioner representing a population of 9,254, a difference of 3,438. Clerk Rick shared a proposal that would shift both Walker and Davis Townships from the North to the South, and shift the 3rd Ward of Clinton from the South to the North. (Clinton’s 4th Ward is already in the North District) This proposal would give the North District a population of 11,113, and the South District a population of 10,833, a difference of 280 persons. After review and discussion, Commissioner Fosnow made a motion to change the North and South Commissioner Districts, as proposed. Commissioner Lawler seconded the motion. The motion passed with a roll call vote of Fosnow – yes, Lawler – yes, and Stone – yes.
Commissioners adjourned at 12:00 p.m.
April 26
The Henry County Commission met pursuant to adjournment at the courthouse in Clinton, Missouri.
Those members present were: Jim Stone- Presiding Commissioner, Rick Fosnow-North District Commissioner, Dale Lawler-South District Commissioner, Rick Watson - County Clerk
At 9:00 a.m. Commissioner Stone brought the meeting to order.
The minutes from the Thursday, April 21st, 2022 meeting was read, Commissioner Lawler made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Fosnow seconded the motion, motion carried.
Expenditures from the following were approved to be paid: Tri County Child Support, Court Administration, Buildings and Grounds, Local Emergency Planning Com, General County Govt, 27th Circuit Treatment Ct, Circuit Clerk, Road and Bridge, Law Enforcement Fund
The Commission reviewed a Local Government Certification document from Golden Valley Memorial Hospital for their Neighborhood Assistance Program grant application, from the Missouri Department of Economic Development. It was discussed whether the county or the city of Clinton would be the Local Government that needed to do the Certification. (A call was made to the Missouri Department of Economic Development, after the Commission meeting. It was confirmed that the city of Clinton would be the Local Government needed to fill out the Certification).
Dennis Bowers, Road and Bridge Supervisor, shared that the crew had cut a Centurylink line while working in the area of the NE 651 Rd bridge replacement. He also shared that there are numerous bridges, slated for replacement, that have phone lines attached to the bridge. He has been not received any return calls from the numerous Centurylink contacts, regarding the phone lines. Dennis continued to share his plans for other replacements.
Bruce Dewsberry updated the Commission on the recent table top exercise, conducted by the Local Emergency Planning Commission. There were 14 entities that participated. He also shared plans on completing the flow study. Bruce continued to share that an agreement has been made with Golden Valley Memorial Hospital to provide the foot care clinic for the Senior Citizens Service Tax Board.
At 10:30 Christy Maggi, Clinton City Administrator, and Dan Sherer, Alliance Water Resources met with the Commission to discuss a recent dye test done on the moat of the courthouse. The test determined that rain water, from the moat, is entering the city’s sewer system. There was general discussion as to various options to correct the issue. There was discussion regarding the ward lines within the city of Clinton, due to the results of the 2020 Census. Christy stated that the lines would be discussed in upcoming council meetings.
Commissioners adjourned at 12:00 p.m.