Have I Got A Line For You!


More shortages are on the way. This time it’s butter. No one can seem to give a plausible explanation. The price for 15 oz. of “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” went up too. UNBELIEVABLE! Well, I can’t believe he’s the President. Some agenda is getting served somewhere no doubt. Maybe Hunter has given up painting and gone into the dairy business. What will the next shortage be? Whatever it is you can bet it will be Putin’s fault, plus a global recession. Keep telling yourself that. If you repeat it enough, you might just believe it. Socialism sure is grand.
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There’s other startling news. President Biden warned us we’re facing the prospect of ARMAGEDDON for the first time since the Cuban Missile crisis. He said Vladimir is “completely serious” about using tactical nukes on Ukraine. Good Lord, the bread crumbs keep leading back to Ukraine, don’t they? I wonder when the lock downs, masks and mandatory radiation drugs will start in preparation. At least another lock down will keep our individual carbon footprint trackers down.
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Meanwhile the Department of Homeland Security just spent $290 million of taxpayer money to by Nplate. It’s a drug used for radiological and nuclear emergencies. Just business as usual they say. This administration has turned out to be everything we were told The Donald would be, wrecking the economy and taking us to the brink of nuclear war.
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PLANETARY NEWS! Jupiter is at its closest point to our planet in 59 years, shining big and bright in the night sky. Right now Jupiter is also opposite of the sun. These two events won’t take place again until 2139. I remember using a telescope Grandma White gave when I was around 8 years old. I’d look at Jupiter and also the four Galilean moons. What a beautiful planet and I never tire of looking up into the night sky and seeing it burn brightly.
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Time to close up shop for the day. In the meantime, keep an eye on the sky as our ancestors did. And remember as the old song goes, “You can’t be a beacon if your light don’t shine.” You betcha.
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Til Next Week: