Not sure if this week’s temperatures will hit a record high, but Monday was a scorcher. One thing is certain, we’re better off than folks during the big droughts of 1934 and 1935. Farm families were hit hard. Their gardens dried up and there was little water for the stock. On the Courthouse Lawn in Warsaw big trenches were dug and filled with water to help people out. This jarred a memory loose. When I was a kid Selma McDonald lived just up the street from us on Lay Avenue and always had a garden. Her house had a big screened in porch and occasionally I’d sit on the porch with her and “snap” green beans. Selma would put them in a big pot with ham hocks and onion. DELICIOUS! She knew most everyone and I learned a lot of unwritten Benton County history that way.
The big show is this Thursday night with President Biden and President Trump. Never thought I’d see a current President running against a former President. Remember the last time they debated and The Donald said a Biden Presidency would lead to new wars, wide open borders and economic crisis? Wonder if CNN will give Uncle Joe the questions in advance like they did for Hillary in 2016? Meanwhile, President Biden is holed up at Camp David doing debate prep while President Trump has been out on the campaign trail. Bet most of the questions will be about perceived threats to democracy, accepting the 2020 results, January 6, Stormy Daniels and rounding people up for detention camps. In other words, the same old shebang. Sit back and watch the show my friends.
Quote of the Week: “What’s the use in practicing something that has to go right every single time?” Will Rogers
BREAKING NEWS! The search for an ancient “Portal to the underworld” has ended. The artifact called Olmec Cave Mask was stolen from Chalcatzingo, Mexico in 1964. Smugglers broke it into several pieces and they ended up in museums and private collections. The 3,000 year old “Door to Hell” was dedicated to an Aztec god. It’s six feet tall and five feet wide with large oval eyes, flaring nostrils and a gaping mouth. When something is purposely broken, it’s pieces scattered across the world, it might not be such a good idea to put it back together.
Ach du lieber and la cucaracha! Hang in there and hold on tight Old Buddy.
Til Next Week: