Have I Got A Line For You!


It’s all coming home to roost, isn’t it? I’m talking about Hillary Clinton. Her former campaign manager told a jury she signed off on sharing fake allegations linking The Donald to a Russian bank and calling him an “agent” for Putin. Of course she did and all of this was obvious from the beginning. Old Hillary manufactured the data then shopped it to the media and the FBI. They knowingly ran with an “investigation” they knew was bogus. If the shoe was on the other foot, we’d have wall-to-wall coverage of this “bombshell” news. An orchestrated plot to overthrow a President. UNBELIEVABLE! It’s hard to decide who’s the biggest crime family, the Clinton's or the Biden's. They both started like every other crime boss with a false delusion, which is thinking they’re smarter than everybody else…meaning us deplorables. President Trump, through all his many faults, did a great service to the USA and the world. He kept Bonnie and Clyde Clinton from coming back to D.C.
NEWS FROM POMPEII! Researchers studied the remains of a man who perished in Pompeii’s Casa del Fabbro 1,900 years ago. He’s the first victim there to have DNA sequenced. Mount Vesuvius erupted when he was 35 and froze things in time. He shared most similarities with modern Italians and people who lived in Italy during the Roman Imperial Age. Wouldn’t it be fascinating to locate his descendants? Who he was and what life in Pompeii was really like, we’ll never know for sure. But even way back then, people were still people, just about the same as we are today.
A special gift last night was seeing a firefly for the first time this summer. You don’t see many fireflies anymore, or at least I haven’t. I remember catching them as a kid on Lay Avenue and putting them in a jar. My mother would poke holes in the lid so they could breathe and place the jar on my night stand. This just popped into my mind. When was the last time you saw a ladybug?
Enough of this free flow fiasco. Take care old buddy.
Til Next Week: