Have I Got A Line For You


All hell is breaking loose with Russia and the Ukraine. Putin’s propaganda chief threatened the west with nuclear destruction and boasted their “subs can shoot more than 500 warheads.” This is like something from a James Bond film. One man and his evil little gang are holding the world ransom. I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s and the subject of a nuclear war with Russia was broached on numerous occasions. There was a lot of finger hovering back then. Let’s hope the west can come with a plan for Vladmir to save face or there will only be seven planets in our solar system, eight if you include Pluto.
Meanwhile, President Biden and Vice-President Harris said we need to be prepared for pain here, mainly financial. Before she left for Germany last week the Vice-President said, “Americans should be braced for the economic fall-out from the situation in Ukraine.” Well, we’ve been bracing for the economic fall-out since she and President Biden took office. These two have delivered every time. Runaway inflation, supply chain shortages, soaring gas prices and a crumbling middle class. Before too long cycling will be our main form of transportation. This green program should be called Bike for Biden. Suddenly mean tweets don’t seem that bad, do they?
HISTORICAL NEWS! The world’s oldest surviving map of the sky and a talismanic chalk drum have been put on display at an exhibit in London. The 3,600 year old Nebra Sky Disk and the 5,000 year old drum are part of a Stonehenge exhibition. The chalk drum was found with the burial of three children in Yorkshire. I wonder if today’s digital art, writing etc. will stand the test of time and be accessed thousands of years from now?
There is other news from London. A U.K. lab created the world’s first hamburger made with stem cells from a dead cow. The flesh was grown in petri dishes and compressed together. It was grilled and reportedly tasted close to the real thing. Anyone read Mary Shell’s Frankenstein? It might be time to move it out of the science fiction area of the library. I wonder if they will ever produce cat food using this method?
Ah well, the world spins on. Perhaps the month of March will bring some surprises. Nice ones, I hope. So hang in there and take care of yourself old buddy.
Til Next Week: