Have I Got A Line For You


Flash mobs are popping up all over, flooding stores and stealing all they can carry. A Best Buy in Minnesota was hit over the weekend. Flash mobs used to be groups that popped up and performed synchronized dancing, didn’t they? This new version is nothing more than organized crime. When you tell a society there are no real consequences for stealing, what do you think is going to happen. Soon, only Amazon and Walmart will remain. We might keep Target. Depends on how much money they put in the political pot. A study done years ago said that ordinary citizens had very little control over politics. We’re headed towards oligarchy but most of us are more worried about getting the newest iPhone. I wonder if these thieves are being counted as new jobs created by the Biden Administration? If not, they should! There has always been a fine line between civilization and anarchy. We seem to be crossing it these days. We’re so upside down right now you can get in more trouble being a law abiding citizen.
Here’s something I didn’t know but learned while talking to a visitor at the Democrat office in Clinton. Back in 1865, a trip between there and Warrensburg by stagecoach took “only six or seven hours.” Lafayette Cruce owned the stage company and was also the driver. I'd bet the original route went through Huntingdale. Aunt Jane told me the old Chisolm Trail came through Henry County and tracks from that route could still be seen years ago. Not sure about now. Time zips along.
Christmas lights are blossoming. Drake Harbor in Warsaw is something to see. This time of year brings to mind family and friends who aren’t with us anymore. It’s been decades since Grandma Murphy headed out the door, but I think of her often. She’s not too far away though, because there are times when I’m in a conundrum and still hear her wise answers. Those in our past must have missed their own people too. Life whisks on, with new friends entering our spheres. Day-to-day events are tied endlessly to the past. Someone we know, knew someone who had a friend whose grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather fought at Hadrian’s Wall. Or hid and watched the Danes burn their little home on the English Coast. It’s too complex to ponder upon.
I’m mind wandering all over here and it’s time to call a halt to this. In the meantime, those Christmas lights bring lots of joy and light into our world. You do too old buddy.
Til Next Week: