The Shepherd Calls


Walking with God
“Enoch walked with God; then he was no more because God took him.” (Genesis 5: 24) A child told that story like this, “Enoch and God took walks together. Then one time, Enoch did not come back.”
The most complimentary words a Christian can receive are “He/she walks with God.” Today, we say, “He/she walks the walk.” They practice what they preach. They do not just talk the talk; they walk the walk.
How does one walk the walk? I need to answer that if for no other reason than my own. We often imagine walking with God through a park. You and God chattily observe and give thanks for the sights---greening trees, moss on tree trunks, bugs scampering, birds chirping.
That is a nice picture; but for us our walk with God might be more like this---You are on your way to work; God is in the seat beside you. You scream, “Look at that stupid man talking on the phone in this busy traffic;” then you remember sometimes I do that. You pass a man begging at the corner. Your first thought is, “Get a job.” Then you think, “Finding a job can be tough.” By now, you have passed the begging man, and you feel relieved. But wait! Your passenger, God, knows your thoughts. He is good at that.
You arrive at work in a bad mood. This day has begun poorly. That troublesome coworker meets you at the door with another problem. You think, “Oh no, not you again.” It is payday; you get your check, look at it and think, “I’m worth more than this, and look how much tax was deducted.”
You get through the day at last and start home. The traffic is horrific. You will be late, and the family had planned to attend your child’s soccer game. You will have to skip dinner to make it. The words you are mentally muttering are less than Christian, and then you remember your passenger knows what you are thinking, and you feel guilty. You do not like feeling guilty.
God never said walking with Him is easy. But since He walks beside you, ask Him to help you walk the walk.