The Shepherd Calls


Let the Lord Bless You
For Father’s Day my wife took me shopping for a gift. Obviously, it was not going to be a surprise. Earlier she had asked what I wanted, and I said, “I need a pair of pants and a shirt.” We quickly found some slacks we both liked; but she continued to look through the racks of trousers. “What are you doing?” I asked.
“I thought I’d get you two pair,” she answered.
“No, one is enough,” I said grumpily. I am not a good shopper. “Let’s just find a shirt and go.”
It didn’t take long to find a shirt. Then, again she continued to look. I was now aware of her game and said firmly, “One shirt and one pair of pants are enough.”
Not to be outdone, her eyes fell on the ties. “Oh, look at these,” she exclaimed. “You haven’t bought a new tie in ages.”
“But I don’t wear ties as much as I used to,” I protested. “No one does.” I could see she was determined to get two of something, so we threw in two ties.
Now that I think about it, I am ashamed. My sweet wife wanted to do something nice for me, and I made it difficult for her.
You realize, don’t you, that we often respond to God in the same fashion. God has done remarkable things for us. He wants to do even more. The Apostle Paul said God can do “exceedingly, abundantly” more for us than we can even think of asking. (Ephesians 3:20) The reason He doesn’t do more is because we are not receptive.
When Moses led God’s people out of Egypt, God wanted to give them a promised land, a land “flowing with milk and honey.” However, all they wanted was to gripe about losing their Egyptian security, even though that security meant slavery. God wanted to bless them, but they wouldn’t let Him.
Jesus wanted to give salvation to His Jewish relatives, but they wouldn’t let Him. From the mountain outside the city, Jesus cried, “Oh, Jerusalem, I wanted to gather you like a hen gathers chicks under her wing; but you would not.” (Matthew 23:37)
Be assured God wants to pour His blessings on you. Don’t make it difficult. Let the Lord bless and keep you.